____ "Oat PER COCee ete my a SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art SCHOOL OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE COOPER SQUARE, NEW YORK, N. ¥. 10003 — (212) 254-6300 DIVISION OF ADULT EDUCATION SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE A. J. Teller, Dean July 10, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Dept. of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Prof, Lederberg: I'm afraid that the "Times" article did not convey the basic idea of the talk as adequately as I hoped it would. The essential idea was that pollution is caused by a provincialism of thinking, bounded unrealistically by restrict- ing the problem as you so well put,it in the 5/24/69 article in ; the Washington Post. The great mass of pollution is caused by in- complete use of materials as a result of basing values on extrac- tion costs. yaaa, py The objective of the talk, a copy of which is appended, is to stimulate the development of social economics, incorporating values other than that of extraction into the price of materials, so that complete and effective utilization of our re- sources is achieved, Thank you for your interest and for the copies of the very effective and provocative articles, Singerel “YY A. J. Teller AJT/ec