_— CO. few July 26, 1976 Dr. Tan Chia-chen Department of Biology Futan University — Shanghai, People's Republic of China Dear Tan, My friends John Lewis and Doug Murray tell me that they met you during one of their visits about three years ago. I am sorry it has taken so long for me to find that they had established this contact. with you. I am just writing you now to discover the reality of this channel of communication and to tell you how delighted I would be to find any measure that might now be possible for the reestablishment of mutual scientific and personal tength. I am sure you have long since heard the sad news about Doby's death just a few months ago which was a grief to us all. I am still in touch with a number of our other mutual colleagues from Columbia and would be happy to try to dig up any further news about them that you might be interested in. My own research here continues along rather molecular lines, but I think some of that might nevertheless be of interest to you, and especially as it may be coming closer and closer to the most important practical applications in microbiology. I realize that it has been 30 years, but I still have the most vivid and warm recollections of our scientific discussions at that time. and hope that it may be feasible to take them up again. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Prof. Jochug Lederberg Bepartment of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stonford, Coliforsig 94305