LABORATORY OF THE INSTITUTE FOR MUSCLE RESEARCH AT THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Woops HOoLe, MASSACHUSETTS 02543 ALBERT SZENT-GYORGYI, M. D.. PH. D. TEL.; FALMOUTH 548-3705 AREA CobE: 617 May 15, 1969 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: | have never worked on or given thoughts to hypochlorite. | have considered with my patent only chlorine which | expect will simply be reduced by ascorbic acid. With the best regards and wishes, Yours very truly, Cs Albert Szent-Gytrgy i A S-G:vb If you really mean that, your patent is vacuous, since Cl, promptly reacts with water: Cl, + HO ->2H+ + cl” +0oOcl. However, I take it that the reaction of aqueous chlorine with ascorbic acid simply hasn't been studied. I agree there is no reason to believe that chlorine-containing organic products are made (contra amines) but it might be worth more explicit examination. Sincerely, MAY 21 1969 A} - 1Wa7e i bya ih