Q STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS November 7, 1977 Via Air Mail Dr. M. Swaminathan Secretary to the Government of India Department of Agricultural Research and Education 81, Shahjehan Road New Delhi 110011 India | Dear Swami: Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your letter of September 8th. I have been travelling a good deal in the interval, and I was also in a quandary as to exactly how I should respond. The situation is that the Genetics Department has a much narrower focus, being in a medical school, than you probably imagined. It was difficult for me to see just how you would relate to the actual research and teaching activities here from your own particular background and interests; although I. am sure there are a few things that would occupy you for a limited period of time. So I really think that there would not be very much point in encouraging you to come right here, much as we would like to renew our personal acquaintanceship. The more constructive suggestions that I can make are: 1. To think about the Food Research Institute here at Stanford, and I have gotten some descriptive information about it. If you were able to get lodging there, you would, of course, bé welcomed to par- ticipate in a whole range of intellectual activities of the Univer-— sity. The Department would welcome you in that way with particular warmth. 2. You ought to give a higher priority to departments of genetics at places like the University of California at Davis, which indeed do have very strong alliances with botancial and agricultural research activities on a significant scale, as I am sure I hardly need to remind you. If I can do anything that would facilitate that liaison, by all means please let me know. If you wish to pursue the Food Research Institute possibility, please direct your inquiries to Dr. Falcon. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enclosures cc: Walter P. Falcon A. T. Ganesan DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 * (415) 497-5052