att- JUL 14 1969 THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Department of Laboratory Medicine HEALTH CENTER June 9, 1969 a Za Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: Thank you for your gracious note, and for the reprint of your essay which was published in the Congressional Record. I concur wholeheartedly with the views which you expressed regarding the carcinogenic hazards of occupational and environmental exposures to nickel, Our recent demonstration that Ni(CO), is a potent inhibitor of RNA polymerase activity in mammalian systems furnishes a mechanism whereby nickel can produce acute alterations in the expression of genetic infor- mation, The possible relevance of this finding to the initiation of nickel carcinogenesis is suggested by similarities between the inhibitory effects of Ni(CO), upon RNA synthesis, and the effects of several other chemical carcinogens, including aflatoxin, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, and actinomycin D, As yet, no one has studied the effects of Ni(CO), upon nucleic acid synthesis in bacterial or viral systems. The major deterent to such studies has been the extreme toxicity of Ni(CO),, and hence the necessity of safeguards and monitoring devices to protect the investigators who employ Ni(CO),. To avoid this disadvantage, we have arranged to have Ni(CO), ampouled in 0.5 vials which can be handled safely in an ordinary fume hood. Perhaps you or your colleagues might consider employing Ni(CO) in your studies of mutagenesis. 4 NaWI AANNS In your letter, you emphasized the desirability of identifying the chemical form in which Ni is emitted in gasoline exhaust. I believe that this task can now be accomplished by use of our new gas chromatographic method for detection and measurement of Ni(CO),. Your attention is directed to the possibility of a co-carcinogenic relationship between nickel and 3,4-benzpyrene. Both of these compounds are known to be present in tobacco smoke, automobile exhaust, and polluted urban atmospheres. We have shown that Ni(CO), blocks the induction of benzpyrene hydroxylase, the principal detoxiftcation mechanism for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Moreover, unpublished studies in our laboratory have shown that exposures of rats to Ni(CO), prolong the retention of 3,4-benzpyrene in the lungs and liver. These indications of carcinogenic synergism of nickel and benzpyrene may be especially pertinent, since the Surgeon General's Report McCOOK HOSPITAL 2 HOLCOMB STREET, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06112 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Page 2 June 9, 1969 on Smoking and Health emphasized that the carcinogenicity of cigarette condensates is greater than the sum of the known carcinogenic constitu- ents, , Enclosed are tables (from a paper in preparation) which list the available data on nickel content of cigarettes, urban atmospheres and asbestos fibers. In accordance with your request, I have also enclosed reprints and preprints of our recent studies. Please let me know if there is any way in which I can be helpful to you. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Katte Fi lism — F. William Sunderman, Jr., M.D. Professor and Head FWS:nil Enclosures