May 29, 1964 Dr. William H. Stone Department of @€netics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Bill: Your paper on "somatic mating" was of course of extraordinaty interest and I certainly have no critical comment. Perhaps I would still give a little more weight to the idea of a eryptic triplet -- I wasn't clear how critically you can count the corpora lutea (or how you go about it, for that matter) which would have some bearing on this assessment. Also, could you have some different kind of anomaly, like the involve- x ment of a fertilized polar body? Anyhow, this certainly is very exciting; I hope you will be looking into this in experimental animals too, ~f a I am looking forward to seeing you out here some time this summer. Do = you have any fixed points? Actually June will not be the best for me, as T rr may be snowed under by some exobiology conferences, but let me hear some possible dates from you before trying a schedule. “\ I hope your various problems have been easing up, at least for most of the time. If there is anything more you'd like to talk over or anything else we could do please don't let it slip by, but let us hear about it. Esther sends her best, too, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics