6 De WILLIAM A. STEIGER COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION 6TH District, WISCONSIN AND LABOR Room 1023 “Src Bea Congress of the Umited States pT Trane Bouse of Representatives Cone he Washington, B.C. 20515 205 Post OFFICE BuILDING SHEBOYGAN, Wis. 33081 June 9, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford "Iniversity Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: From the newspaper reports I have read, I gather that you are concerned about the need for more funds for genetic research and, I assume, study of the implications of such research. In case you are interested, it is xossible that Congress will go into at least the Latter of these issues, The House has just passed and has sent to the Senate a bill to create a joint committee on the environment. One of the committee's responsibilities would be to study and review (it would be a non-legisl-tive committee) "the char- acter and extent of environmental and technological changes that may occur in the future and theireffect on vopulation, communities and industries .. and to study methods of using all practicable means and measures, including financial and tecinical assi» tance, in a manner ec’ leulated to foster, pro- mote, create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in harmony, and fulfill the social, econonic, and other requirements of present and future senerations of Americans..." Aamittedly there is no guarantee that the committee will perceive its mandate in so broad alight, but it might. Representative Steiger commented on the committee's extremelv broad mandate during the floor discussion, Another possibility is the bill Con-ressman Daddario is nushing to establish an Office of Technolocical Aesessment,. With some stretching of the present concept of such an office I believe it would be possible to include the question of the societal implications of senetic astvances in its purview, Sincerely vours, yun? sn Joel Margolis Office of Representative I have been following these Wylliam A, Steiger developments in the Congr. Rec., but would be pleased at any further documentation, hearing reports, etc. Actually, I much more upset about whether there will be a reasonable level of genetic research than about the requirements for socia} ganbro’ . which have been vastly inflated, outside the realm of biolog gm