ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 44 Tel. 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia } a / fly PAVIA Jan. 2, 68. Ath Dear Helen, for Thank you, for your letter of December &X& 23. What I ha@ told Professor Lederberg when I talked to him in Pavia s as follows to the best of my recollection. 1) That some time ago we had got together a number of popular articles and had given them to a publisher ( Manisha Grapthalaya). That before the articles were published I Mad wishéd them all to be dated, i.e. the date of their or ginal publicwtion ascertained in order to print alongside ‘| article, and I had asked the publishers to do this but I hadiinot heard from them again. 2) That m@st articles that were published in India or since Haldane went to India woul be available in typescript bic form with’ Hari and it would be af job to find cut the dates oA) of allarticles and where they were published. * Profeseor ihederberg had offered copying facilities ‘Gn the U.S.A, and glso perhaps obtaining money from a publisher to finance’ any research that would be necessary in order to get articles ready to be reprinted. This money would of couse "be in the nature of an advance. \ I wonder whether you received my letter written aftey my ¢onversation with Professor Lederberg. I am still valting for your cqmments ans suggestions in this regard. + Yours sincerely, a (s.p. Jayakar) aed. Professor Lederberg