BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. UPTON, L.L, N.Y. 11973 REFER: TEL. AREA CODE 516 YAPHANK 4-6262 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY March 6, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Medical School 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am replying to your telephone call of February 28 regarding work on the radiosensitivity of microorganisms isolated from highly radio- active environments near large gamma sources or around nuclear reactors. While several people have studied samples from our outdoor gamma sources here, very little of this has so far been published but whatever information is available I am sending under separate cover. I know that work has been published from at least two other outdoor installations but cannot readily put my hands on the exact references. I would, therefore, suggest that you write directly to the ' following institutions where I know such work has been done. Dr. J. Sandfaer Division of Agricultural Research Danish Atomic Energy Research Establishment Risd6, Raskilde Denmark Dr. K. Yamakawa Institute of Radiation Breeding Ohmiya, Ibaraki Japan Several other large outdoor gamma sources exist and I do not know specifically that work has been carried on but in case you wish to contact them, the following are appropriate names and addresses. Dr. D. DeZeeuw Institute for Atomic Sciences in Agriculture Wageningen Netherlands SHY MINN Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- March 6, 1969 Dr. H. Gaul Max-Planck Institute fur Zuchtungsforschung 5 Koln-Vogelsang Germany Dr. C. Gomez-Campo Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agronomicas Avda. Puerto de Hierro Madrid, Spain Dr. A. R. Gopal-Ayengar, Director Biology Group Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Modular Laboratories Trombay, Bombay-74 India Prof. Ake Gustafsson Institute of Genetics Iund University Lund, Sweden Dr. H. Be. Newcombe Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Biology and Health Physics Division Chalk River Ontario, Canada Dr. Howard T. Odum Department of Zoology University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, N. Carolina 27514 Dr. Thomas D. Rudolph Lakes States Forest Experiment Station Institute of Forest Genetics Star Route No. 2 Rhinelander, Wisconsin 54501 Dr. RR. 5S. Russell Agricultural Research Council Radiobiological Laboratories Letcombe Regis, Wantage, Berks, England Dr. Joshua Lederberg -3- March 6, 1969 Dr. G. T. Scarascia-Mugonozza Laboratorio per le Applicazioni in Agric., Centro Studi Nucleari Casaccia, C.P.L., S. Maria di Galeri Rome, Italy Dr. M. S. Swaminathan Botany Department Indian Agricultural Research Institute Delhi, India Dr. A. T. Wallace Plant Science Section, Bldg. OH University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Gainesville, Florida 32603 Director, Irradiated Food Products Division U. S. Army Natick Laboratories Natick, Massachusetts O1760 In addition to these names, there are, of course, a large number of nuclear reactors many of which may have high radiation intensities in water shielding. As I explained on the telephone, I recently had an inquiry from the IAEA concerning this matter and I would suggest that a single letter to Dr. R. N. Mukherjee, Unit of Radiation Biology, Division of Life Sciences, IAEA, Vienna 1, Kaerntnerring, Austria would be appropriate since he is trying to coordinate and collect information concerning highly resistant organisms in liquids used for shielding nuclear reactors. There are also a fair number of laboratories in this country and elsewhere involved in food irradiation projects but I regret that I do not have a list of these. The Director of the Army Natick Research Laboratories might be able to supply you with the names and addresses of appropriate people in other institutions. I am enclosing, under separate cover, some of my own reprints relating to chromosome size and radiosensitivity. In addition one of these has a little data on radiosensitivity of blue-green algae in soil. There are two or three papers currently in press in Radiation Botany on the radiosensitivity of blue-green algae. These could only be sent out with the specific approval of the authors. If you would like to see these, please make a specific request and I shall write to the authors asking their permission. Dr. Joshua Lederberg -y- March 6, 1969 I shall be glad to cooperate with your student studying this topic and help supply samples or make laboratory space available if he wishes to conduct preliminary screenings here. Yours very sincerely, Vly Mero Arnold H. Sparrow, Senior Radiobiologist rr