ยป x See STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER ry STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 April 11, 1975 STANFORD UNiversity SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics (415) 497-5052 VMGIOS -F nome Dr. Guillermo Soberon Universidad Nacional Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas Apartado Postal 70228 Cuidad Universitaria 20, D.F. Mexico \ Dear Dr. Soberon, I see from my file of correspondence that it has already been over 4 years since I had the opportunity and pleasure of visiting you at your institute. At that time you were at a point of major development and organization and I hope that things have been going well for you in the development of your program of research. The reason I am writing to you now is on behalf of a university student in our Human Biology Program who wishes to do a short period of supervised special study with me, and I am a little puzzled to know where best to begin. Mr. Mark Moralis has expressed a particular interest in learning more about the prevalence of specific genetic diseases in Mexican- American populations, primarily to use this study as a vehicle for learning more about the general field of human genetics. As you had told me that one of the divisions of your institute would be concerned with somewhat similar studies, I thought that you might be able to direct my request to one of your associates who might be able to give us some starting references for inquiry in this field. I am not now aware of literature on such surveys and particularly if they do not exist,it would be a matter of some difficulty to reach a well informed conclusion about it by other means. However, if this is not convenient, there are of course other approaches that we can readily undertake for such bibliographic information, If this has not been a subject of actual major development within your own institute, another possibility would be, if you can make such a suggestion, to refer my request to one of your colleagues at some of the other institutions in Mexico City. We are, needless to say, aware of the differences that may emerge as between indigenous Mexican populations and those resident in the United States but I would imagine that my request does furnish a useful starting point for such an inquiry. Please do not construe this as an initiative for a major research effort in this area but rather to obtain a clearer picture of what research activities may be going on in this direction in Mexico at the present time, To revert to another subject, it has been deeply gratifying to see that there eventually has been such a useful outcome from the work of the WHO and the U.N. committees that were concerned with the prohibition of LT. J. P, KENNEDY, JR. LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION ad 2 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE Dr. G. Soberon -2- 4/11/75 biological warfare. I had a message from the State Department just a few days ago that all of the formalities having been completed, the ceremonial ratification of the BW Treaty will have been completed at approximately the present date so that it will shortly be in actual force, I have not had occasion to revisit Mexico since 1970 but recall that previous occasion with very great pleasure. I do not know when my own time would make it possible again but I hope you do not mind if I give you a call upon such an event; and please let this be an invitation to you to let me know if there is any reciprocal opportunity. Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr