FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE Toc. Research Laboratory, 411 E, 69th St., New York 21, N. Y. December 30, 1948. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Department of Genetics, Madison 6, Wisconsin. = ttre: & pee Dear Josh: ; ct a It has been suggested by several. people that it would be desirable to have a monthly mimeogranhed "Bacterial Genetics Information Mervice" similar to those bulletins already existing in other fields of genetics. Dr. Evelyn Witkin at Cold Spring Harbor has kindly offered to take on the burden of editing such a bulletin. Since there are no facilities at Cold Spring Harbor for meeting the secretarial expense involved, Dr. Witkin is applying to the National Institute of Heaith for a very small grant to cover the expense for the first year. Dr. Szilard has asked me to write you, suggesting that if you approve of this project it would be desirable to send a letter to Dr. Witkin stating your approval of the project. This group of letters from investigators in the field would be forwarded by Dr. Witkin in support of her application. Since the appropriate Study Section of the National Institute of Health meets on January 15th, it will be desir able to have these letters in Dr. Witkin'ts hands as soon as possible, For this reason the present letter is being sent off in great haste, and bears my signature rather than that of Dr. Szilard, Sincerely yours, v eC rttcg Bernard D. Davis, Surgeon. BDD/h1