July 1, 1975 Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Dr. Saleem Shah Chief, Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency National Institute of Mental Health Parklawn Building 5600 Fisher's Lane Rockville, Maryland 20852 Dear Saleen, Do you have any bibliographic data concerning bargaining behavior in connection with hostages? It is painful to have to think that this is a skill that we are certainly going to have to develop more and more in the forthcoming milieu. If this has not come across your own desk, perhaps some of your opposite numbers in law enforcement may have collected some statistical or historical information that would be useful in such circumstances. If this has never been done, it probably would pay to try to get such a study mounted, I hope with some discretion. I am sure I do not have to tell you the kinds of circumstances that makes this a prominent issue in our minds these days at Stanford. And when Dave Hamburg gets back, I imagine he wéll be able to write his own book about the subject! I was really deeply concerned about the risks that Dave himself might have been exposing himself to in the very process of negotiation: why wouldn't the kidnappers just try to grab him, too, for even more ransom! But then it occurred to me that I really did not know of any actual historical precedent for that particular kind of behavior and this itself is perhaps puzzling. So, then it occurred to me that there really was a behavioral science issue of very considerable practical importance as well as a certain amount of theoretical challenge. Please let me know if you can think of any leads in this area. More generally, I Bawes I have the gloomy premonition that stateless war is going to loom as a larger and larger part of the threats to personal security. This, of course, was one of the main reasons for my anxieties about further developments in the fields of BW and CW.. I miss seeing you all at the council meetings but I guess even more momentous things have happened than my retirement from that particular duty! Sincerely yours,