a4 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER INSTITUTE FOR SPACE STUDIES NEW YORK, N. Y. MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE INSTITUTE FOR SPACE STUDIES UNIVERSITY 6-3600 2880 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. 10025 17 January 1974 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Standford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: I am pleased to enclose a reprint of "A FORTRAN TO FORTRAN OPTIMISING COMPILER". The program, in working, though not fully debugged form, is available on magnetic tape. If you desire the program please forward information concerning tape format (and a tape if possible). We will respond by returning your tape as soon as possible, or forwarding a tape which may be returned after the program is retrieved. Documentation (which is quite limited) will also be sent. As to your request for the Allen and Cocke paper, I have just contacted Fran Allen of IBM and she will be sending you the latest revision of the paper "Graph Theoretic Constructs for Program Control Flow Analysis." Sincerely yours, ac / fo, Paul B. Schneck PBS/is encl,