Dear Josh: Thank you for the xhm& note about oyster genetics. Muck more important than srails to my non—Yallic tastes. I hope something can be done to maintahn the effort. On the words from afar: I looked at the literature I have, and I am not able to find the explicit source ef the notion that we should send 1/137..... or such a number. It is rather a straidtforward notion. I find it a little Tid redundant: the nature ef the signal is a more relevant measure of tie sender's accomplishments than -ny citatiems from precision physics. I doubt the utility of the dimensionless numbers. As to saféey by concealment, you know the riposte. If anybody i@ able to come and eat us across the depths of space, he is pretty sure as a much easier technical feat to sense our presence, no matter hew hard we hide. Such beiwgs assumed, I nold with Fred Hoyle: our best chawe is to appear as intelligent as we can, and hope for sympathy. NOSINYOW with best wishes CHB. Phil Morrison 21 March 1970 happy equinox Fie Melo cutout Lincos Ex tralesc Daf olla grrtec —SETI CET