STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 415 321-1100 May 3, 1967 Dear Mr. Molajoni: It was a distinct nleasure to talk to you last night, and I look forward to the possibility of continuing our discussions. There are many of my colleagues at Stanford who share our conaerns about the rationalization of technological and scientific development throughout the world. I believe it might be of great mutual interest to have an evening discussion, and if you are agreeable, I may try to organize one after my return from Italy (qbout June 10). You are perhaps already acquainted with the views of Professor Blackett but I take the liberty of sending his article from Science for Feb-~ ruary 27. His reference (3) is perhaps most pertinent also, but I have seen only indirect allusions to it. Have you ever been in contact with the Brookings Institution in Washington,D.C. Its staff is nerhaps the most knowledgeable center of academic skills in the field, particularly with respect to the eco- nomic and political side. I believe you would find it very stimulating to discuss your own inquiry with its new director, Dr. Kermit Gordon whom you may recall was once U.S. Director of the Budget. I met with him myself a few weeks ago and found him one of the shrewdest positive thinkers in my own experience, My own main preoccupations about the impact of science on human affaird are, of course, more biologically oriented: I will also burden you with some of my writing on that subject. Yours cordi y» Jog Ka Lederberg Consulate General of Italy 2590 Webster San Francisco LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE [NoLY19W