TO-2. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 9000 ROCKVILLE PIKE BETHESDA. MD. 20014 REFER TO: June 8, 1968 Dear Dr. Lederberg: On April 1, 1968, Seeretary Cohen gave his formal approval to the reorgantaattion of certain health functtons of the Department and authorized us to proceed wtth the admintstra- tive changes necessary to carry out the plan. These three new operating agenetes were established: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health. The Health Services and Mental Health Administration was established to administer the programs that focus on compre- henstve health planning, on the organizattonal deltvery of health servteces, and on programs for research, training, and services in the ertttical field of mental health. vals y¥W This Admintstratton cannot carry out tts responstbilities NS without the cooperation and help of tts publte advisory groups. I am pleased that you are serving on the Nattonal Advisory Mental Health Counetl and am looking forward to working with you tn the achievement of our total goal of better health for the Amertean people. Sineerely yours, Robert Q@. Marston, M.D. Admintstrator, Health Services and Mental Heatth Administration Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genettcs Sehool of Medictne Stanford Untverstty Pato Alto, Caltfornia 094304