February 19, 19706 Representative Paul CG. Rogers Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Representative Rogers, Please let me record sy unreserved support for the position you have taken on the fleor of the house with respect to the abolition of lead additives in gasoline. I am particularly exercised by the negligent attitude thet the proponents of these materials have been expreseing recently with respect to the potential he>h hazard of environmental lead. It may be true that it has been very difficult to establish conclusively acute population injury from airborn lead but this is only because we are exposed to such a complex variety of environmental assaults in every day living. That lack of precise information certainly can not be translated into complacent assurances that lead can do no harm - we know much better! Appended to my enclosed article of January 17th I have a brief bibliography that peints to gome recent information on lead toxicity. In addition, even eaince that time there has been new work from Finland which is particularly pertinent and of which I enclose a copy. Please continue yeur good work. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics IL/rr enclosures SISI0N 9 TMH