October 8, 1968 The Hon. Abraham Ribicoff United States Senator Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Senator: I know that you are preoccupied with the campaign at the present time, and it may therefore not be the best moment to bring this particular matter up. So I will remind you again next January when you are back in the Senate. Last March you challenged my conscience about the most probable hazards of further scientific development. I have thought a good deal about that dialogue since then and have come to the very depressing conclusion that the promulgation of biological warfare is precisely the kind of hazard that you were alluding to. There is not much more that individual scientists can do about this subject,which is very much within the political arena. So I have to pass the buck on to you, but not without saying that if there is any- thing that I can do that can assist you or other political leaders in the development of more sensible polities I would hasten to do so. Sincerely yours, a Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics TITIAN