MEMO FROM TO: J. LEDERBERG GENETICS DEPARTMENT | STANFORD UNIVERSITY Nr. James Reston TX __eee NY Times washington Bur. RO STANFORD, CALIFORNIA FEB 26 1970 Can you recall having written a column (besides your remarks on eloquence of de Gaulle in your "...Sand" book) on the subject of the importance of writing vis-a-vis political leadership; that what is not written and publdashed will have only transient value? TI think it may have had to do with JFK, and the importance of explanation together with action. So it would have been 0-19 years ago, It had impressed me very much at the time, and undoubtedly influenced me in my own decision (also heeding other things you ‘have said) about working through journalisti as well as other lines of education, o I would very much like to retrieve that , text. . wie Sincerely, ay $3 ta clan Prof. Joshua Lederberg _ Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305