MAY 1 6 3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 May 11, 1973 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto ifornia 94304 Dear Dr. - re: As of about May 1, 1973, I completed the special assignment I wrote about in my January 18, 1973, letter to you. I am resuming therefore the normal duties and responsibilities of Chief, Biotechnology Resources Branch. I appreciate both the diligent efforts of my staff during my absence and your cooperation with them. The subject of my efforts while away from BRB was the future of NIH research resources programs, with special emphasis on how diverse arrays of research resource activities might be integrated so as to better advance the mission of the NIH. Our special task force laid out a number of distinct alternatives for consideration by the Division Director, his staff, and advisors but deliberately did not go beyond that point, such as to advocate any particular strategy for the future. Our task force report, however, will no doubt be the substrate of continuing discussion within DRR and between DRR and its institutional clientele, and my release from the task force places me in a more appropriate position from here on out to pursue the specific interests of Biotechnology Resources. Over the coming months the staff and I will want to pursue the topic of BRB's future in more depth with you. The continuing changes in the scope, direction, and style of the national-biomedical research effort suggest that a searching re-examination of the objectives and strategies for developing and making available high class biotechnology resources is much in order. Your ideas and critique, as always, will be valued. Sincerely yours, Zs William F. Raub, Ph.D. Chief Sa Biotechnology Resources Branch Division of Research Resources