Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dave_Rammler Membrane factors and antibiotic sensitivyty _ A very powerful tool would be the isolation of conditional mutants, e-€- temperature -de- pendent antiobiotic-sensitives, to correlate the resynthesis of membrane-components with antibiotac sensitivity. n clean up your multitudinous ite time; and let me to proceed with a co- general program you've I hope yeu ca obligations in some fin know when you're ready herent segment of the _ outlined. Have you established a deadline? I think you poifted out Cleeland's paper to me My & Immun. 2:371 10/70) e lost, sore 323 (970, oto SNS ( Cravored Hassett ) a NOV 9 1970 PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine ~. Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 va + yeayy Tare !