American Academy of Arts and Sciences 280 Newton Street Sy Brookline Station, Boston 46, Massachusetts Telephone: JAmaica 2-2400 May 15, 1970 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Biology Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Professor Lederberg: This is to inquire whether you may be interested and able to attend a "Pugwash Symposium" on "Science, Technology and Development" tentatively scheduled to be held at Stanford University on September 1-4, 1970. The en- closed background paper and agenda explain the origin and planned structure of the Symposium. Our hope is to discuss substantial matters such as popu- lation and nutrition and "intermediate technology" from the point of view of possible mechanisms and institutions to which scientific communities of devel- oped and developing countries could best contribute their talents . MoLimonlgy y Any critical remarks you would care to contribute concerning this pro- gram will be gratefully received. We would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. th HPSVANINA. ae f ~ pinta” “4 hs AI pA Wiha ; a faye Rabin inowiecl President i. Pugwash tional Programs, 1969-70 — American Academy of Arts and Sciences x ~~. ~ ~> wW Nj