JAN 23 1963 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS Secretary-General: Professor J. ROTBLAT Telegraphic Address: Pugwash, London 9 GREAT RUSSELL MANSIONS, Telephones: 01-405 6661 01-253 9875 60, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, O1~ 435 1471 LONDON, W.C.1. 20th January, 1969 Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. Dear (roe ren ledha+ bE!9G 7 It is some time now since the Pugwash Study Group on Biological Warfare has met. This was due to the fact that most of our work was handed over to SIPRI. SIPRI is about now to complete the first phase of its work and we feel that this is the right time for the Pugwash BW Study Group to meet again to assess the situation. There are also one or two other points to discuss. It is, therefore, proposed to hold a meeting of the BW Study Group in Marianske Lazne on the 22nd to the 23rd of May 1969 (with a possible extension to the 24th if necessary). The following agenda is suggested: 1. SIPRI activities with special reference to inspection and rapid detection. (Discussion of BCW book). 2. New activities arising out of inspection experiment. Preparations for 1970 Mexico congress. 4. Future activities of BW Study Group. ยป Iam writing on behalf of the Pugwash Continuing Committee to invite you to the meeting in Marianske Lazne. As usual the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences will provide hospitality during the stay in Czechoslovakia, but not travelling expenses to and from Prague. I hope that you will be able to find these from other sources. I look forward to hearing from you very soon whether you will be able to attend the meeting. Yours sincerely,