Appil 22, 1970 Honmrable William Proxmire United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Bill: Two minipoints toward government economy and solid waste control: e (1) Attached page of the Congressional Record illustrates sone superwaste (whatever one thinks of the rhetoric quoted just once). This article must have been reprinted at least four times in the Record, and I have seen this sort of thing repeatedly. Surely the editors of the CR could be authorized to quote such repeats by reference to title and page. I believe the CR costs some $300 per page. (Please appropriate the savings to restore the cuts in my NIH grant.) (2) Many newspapers like the New York Times ship tons of waste newspring by subsidized mails to subscribers who don't want the local (especially classified) advertising and presumably do not support its rate base. There is a social purpose to supporting the dissemination of the news sections, but I feel that organizational inertia is all that sustains the rote ship-~ ment of the garbage too. To qualify for preferential rates, a paper should be under mandate to offer section-options to its,subscribers. This would also make air-shipment more feasible. Surely something senaible could be worked out with the publishers 1{f the P.0.D. were rpodded to go after them. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg e 4 . Professor of Genetics K bBo. oy, YY