STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS September 14, 1977 Dr. Ruth Davis Deputy Undersecretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Dear Dr. Davis: Don Levine of the SRI-Washington office called me yesterday to ask whether I could attend a brief meeting with you on the morning of September 27th. The agenda was to have been some aspects of defense and university relations. Mr. Levine also told me that I should be receiving a reply either from Dr. Perry or yourself to some questions that I had raised in my letter of June 9th to Dr. Frank Press on the same subject. I will be in Washington on other business on that day, but it does not seem likely that I will be able to break away from my previous commitments. I will try to straighten that out and inform your office by telephone. In the event that I do not have the opportunity to pursue the matter in person, I thought the most useful thing I could do is to forward an informal memorandum from Bill Miller, and to second his suggestion of the desirability of a rather small conference with representative uhiversity presidents and some faculty. ‘ I do not know if the meeting on the 27th would have provided an opportunity to discuss some computer applications that perhaps deserve further attention. I would be glad to pick that up with you at your convenience and, again if I cannot see you in person, will try to call you to try to elicit possibly mutual convenient arrangements. With many others, I would certainly like to wish you every success ,and offer whatever personal support I can, for your new responsibilities. Yours sincerely, vo / Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: ek-£ Enclosure DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 * (415) 497-5052