Cite Copy STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS June 9, 1977 Dr. Frank Press Director Office of Science and Technology Executive Office of the President Washington, D.C. 20506 Dear Dr. Press: This letter is to ask you to give some attention to means for repairing the gulf between faculties at academic institutions and govern- ment, particularly in the national security area. I am enclosing a clipping that illustrates one of the more egregious scandals. You are well aware too of the maltreatment that Sid Drell and others have received around the Jasons group. There have also been serious problems connected with the recruiting activities of armed forces and other government agencies on home campuses. The point of writing now is that a new Administration has an opportunity, that may evaporate before long ,to wipe the slate clean with respect to past grievances connected with these demonstrations, and to refute the doctrine that it is an immoral thing to cooperate with one's own government. If you agree, I hope you will ask President Carter to exert his own leadership in a public statement that could be quite decisive in changing the contemporary climate. I am addressing a similar communication to Admiral Turner, who, of course, has an even more immediate stake in terms of operational impediments. On a somewhat related question, perhaps within your own sphere, I suggest a re-examination of the relationships between the armed forces and the universities, with respect to "ROTC." Positions on both sides have gotten so hardened that we need an independent commission to take a fresh look. It should come out with some new plan that can preserve the academic integrity of programs for future officers at the private universities in this country, and do perhaps even a better job for the foundations of their professional education. I made a similar suggestion not long ago to Congressman Aspin, who seemed to be interested in the DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 * (415) 497-5052 of C of WIDIG SSO 4 \ - Dr. Frank Press -2- June 9, 1977 idea. Such an inquiry might well be a legislative initiative, but it certainly would help if their were a positive nod from the Administration. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enclosure JL: ek-f bee: Gill Omenn