February 17, 1972 Dr. J. KR. Porter Department of Microbiology The University of Iowa College of Medicine Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Roger, Thank you for your note of February 9th. I em glad we are in such close agreement about the importance of the BW-Convention, Yes, I certainly do agree that the fulfillment of its purposes will require attention to many positive steps. A self-interested obligation to world health is something we can never invest too heavily in. (I am not so sure that all of our colleagues in the ASM were so eager to prohibit BW, perhaps through understandable concerns about the difficulties of verification.) Certainly, at the right time and place I will hasten to comment further on the treaty and especially if it appears to be running into any difficulties. This is unlikely but it is just possible that it may get caught up in the confusion about the ratification of the Geneva Protocol, and whether that treaty covers harassing and anti-plant agents, I have a longish paper on CBW in press in the Stanford Journal of International Studies and will send you a copy when I have a readable text. I strongly agree that the ASM should take strong positive steps in keeping with Article 10. Apart from world health programs, do you have other concrete recommendations at this time? Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr