World Wide Medical News Service, Inc. 130 East 59th Street, New York 22, N. ¥. PL 9-6300 September 18, 1957 Professor Joshua Lederberg c/o Professor S.D. Rubbo Department of Bacteriology Melbourne University Melbourne, Australia Dear Professor Lederberg: Forgive me for not writing sooner but I was away in Washington on a short vacation. Your first report for us was most satisfactory and I am hoping that you will have time to:either directly cover some more meetings for us or, if not, to arrange for some of your Australian colleagues to do this for us. jn NOw Yard I notice from the printed program of the Harvey Society,that you are scheduled to give a paper on December 19 on Bacterial Reproduction. Is this an old listing inadvertently not changed? Or are you coming back so soon? Of course we would be delighted to see you in New York, but I was under the impression you would be staying in Australia longer. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Cordially, Jou. Aso. Jon Naar Managing Editor /sa Vs Shell we Lou [isve tdi Jw atrve actelrers ?