NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS Ri - ++3 4 CLAUDE PEPPER, FLA., CHAIRMAN MARTHA W. GRIFFITHS, MICH. ALBERT W. WATSON, S.C. ROBERT N.C. NIX, PA. CHARLES E. WIGGINS, CALIF, ICHARD W. KURRUS CHIEF COUNSEL THOMAS F. MC BRIDE DEPUTY CHIEF COUNSEL JEROME R. WALDIE, CALIF. ROBERT V. DENNEY, NEBR. Select Committee on Crime LARRY REIDA ASSOCIATE CHIEF COUNSEL, House of Representatives ARTHUR E. CAMERON Congress of the Anited States WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 September 12, 1969 My dear Professor Lederberg: Your kind letter of September 8 was most welcome. I am delighted to learn that we share like views as to the need for an immediate government inquiry to settle conflicting claims concerning the use of marijuana. As an avid reader of the "Washington Post," I consider your excellent column timely, relevant and a complementary feature to this outstanding newspaper. You will want to know that the initial reaction to our statement requesting a marijuana report has been most favor- able. Judges, newspaper editors, prosecutors, and parents who don't know what to tell their children want such a find- ing. I hope, as you do, that such a study will be objective and free from pressures. Enclosed with this letter you will find voluminous ma- terials concerning the Committee, its hearings and statements of witnesses. We are in the process of editing the testimony so do not, as yet, have a bound volume of our hearings pre- pared. In addition, you will find my statements concerning the marijuana controversy, the need for a National Institute of Corrections, comments on the theatre production entitled "The Cage," and position papers outlining the scope and direction of our inquiries. ASSOCIATE COUNSEL, AND ASSISTANT TO THE CHAIRMAN We expect to be holding hearings on the West Coast in the near future and, if your schedule permits, I would be honored to meet with you to discuss the Committee's plans and future. Kindest regards, and 4) Very sincer ; gute) Claude Pepper Chairman Believe me, Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305