THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10021 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT July 6, 1978 Prof. C.A. Paulsen University of Washington U.S. Public Health Service Hospital Box 3145 Seattle, Washington 98114 Dear Al: Thank you for your note of June 20. I was in New York last week and had the chance to meet Wayne Bardin whopt, as you know, has been appointed to succeed Shelly Segal as head of the biomedical division of the Pop Council, whose laboratories are located on the Rockefeller campus. Bardin shared with me some of his ideas for the ambitious development of a research program on male reproductive biology. Apart from the intrinsic merit and interest of these developments, I am sure that will lead £6 occasions for you to visit the campus and I hope you will be able to drop in on us at your convenience when you do so. That will give you the pleasure of communicating your regards to Anne and Marguerite even more directly, a pleasure I would not wish to withold from you. Nand 49 * Although I use the present letterhead quite appropriately, as of July 1, we are staying in California over the summer and will move at the end of August. When you do visit, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the present status of behavioral side effects of antigens Anak PSENS since some of the myths about this might be an interference in their further development for contraceptive purposes. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg JL/gel.