12 On Generality and Problem Solving: A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Program E. A. Feigenbaum, B. G. Buchanan and J. Lederberg Computer Science Department Stanford University In discussing the capability of a problem-solving system, one should dis- tinguish between generality and expertness. Generality is being questioned when we ask: how broad a universe of problems is the problem solver prepared to work on? Expertness is being questioned when we ask: how good are the answers and were they arrived at with reasonable cost? Generality has great utility in some ways, but is not often associated with superior performance. The experts usually are specialists. In analytical chemistry, there is a domain of inductive inference problems involving the determination of molecular structure by analysis of certain physical spectra of the molecule. We have written a problem-solving program (Heuristic DENDRAL) that is prepared to attempt to solve any problem in this very large domain. By now, it has solved hundreds of structure-determina- tion problems in many different chemical families. For some families of molecules, it is an expert, even when compared with the best human perfor- mance. For the other families, i.e., most of chemistry, it performs as a novice, or worse. This paper will use the design of Heuristic DENDRAL and its performance on many different problems it has solved as raw material for a discussion of the following topics: 1. the design for generality; 2. the performance problems attendant upon too much generality; 3. the coupling of expertise to the general problem-solving processes; 4. the symbiotic relationship between generality and expertness, and the implications of this symbiosis for the study and design of problem-solving systems. We conclude the paper with a view of the design for a general problem- solver that is a variant of the ‘big switch’ theory of generality. 165 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES Previous papers have given a detailed exposition of the workings of the Heuristic DENDRAL program (Buchanan ef al. 1969) and a discussion of some general issues of representation and theory formation suggested by the DENDRAL work (Buchanan et al. 1970). It is fair to ask for an integrated presentation of the results of this application of heuristic programming to an important chemical inference problem. Several papers presenting these results to chemists have appeared or are in press (Lederberg et al. 1969, Duffield et al. 1969, Schroll et al. 1969, Buchs et al. 1970), but no summary of these results is available in the artificial intelligence literature. Yet the attention given to the program as an application of artificial intelligence research has tended to obscure the more general concerns of the project investigators. These are: 1. To study and construct detailed information processing models of processes of scientific inference. By scientific inference we mean the inferential process by which a model is constructed to explain a given set of empirical data. 2. To study experimentally the ‘operating characteristics’ and the effective- ness of different designs (strategies) for the deployment of task-specific knowledge in a scientific area. 3. To develop a method for eliciting from an expert the heuristics of scientific judgement and choice that he is using in the performance of a complex inference task. 4. To solve real problems in an area of significance to modern science, and to do so with a level of performance high enough to have a noticeable impact upon that area of science. 5. To discover the heuristics which lie behind efficient selection. As we conclude later, the significant problem may not be so much ‘tuning’ a specialist with a new set of heuristics as learning how to acquire these heuristics. THE TASK ENVIRONMENT For the sake of completeness and review, we include here a brief description of the scientific problem that was chosen as the task environment in which to pursue the project’s goals (publications listed in the references will give the interested reader the complete story). The problem given to the program is the usual problem of the analytical chemist: to determine the molecular structure of an unknown compound. While the chemist may use many analytical techniques, the program uses only two of the most important tools to collect data about the unknown sample. The primary source of empirical data is a mass spectrometer, an instrument that fragments molecules of a chemical sample (using an electron beam) and records the results. A mass spectrum, the output of the mass spectrometer, is a two-dimensional record of the abundance of various fragments plotted as a function of their molecular weights. A secondary source of data is a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer, which uses variations in magnetic field strengths to provide information about certain specific kinds of structure internal to a molecule. 166 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG (In addition, there is no difficulty in utilizing a third source of data, the infrared (1R) spectrometer, as soon as it becomes sufficiently important to do so.) The problem solver is given the mass spectrum, the NMR spectrum if it is available, and the elementary formula if it is available (number of atoms of each element). For the classes of molecules reported in this paper, the program need not be given the formula but can infer it directly from the spectrum by a heuristic procedure. The output of the problem solver is a graph, that is, a topological model, of the molecular structure of the unknown compound. Or, if more than one graph is a plausible explanation of the given data, the output is a list of the plausible molecular graphs, rank ordered, with their relative plausibility scores. The determination of molecular structure by these electronic instrumental techniques is seen by physical chemists to be a significant advance over older chemical methods, and is enticing because of the speed and economy of the analysis and the generality of the approach. However, the almost bewildering variety of fragmentations and reactions that can be induced by the high energy of the electron beam in a mass spectrometer are far from being completely understood, so that the science of mass spectrum analysis, though no longer an infant, has still not reached its maturity. GENERALITY VERSUS SPEED AND ECONOMY ‘A view of existing problem solving programs would suggest, as common sense would also, that there is a kind of “law of nature” operating that relates problem solving generality (breadth of applicability) inversely to power (solution successes, efficiency, etc.) and power directly to specificity (task-specific information).’ (Feigenbaum 1968) ‘Evidently there is an inverse relationship between the generality of a method and its power. Each added condition in the problem statement is one more item that can be exploited in finding the solution, hence in increasing the power.’ (Newell 1969) One does not need a view of generality in problem-solving systems of the scope of Gps (Ernst and Newell 1969) to appreciate the importance of this tradeoff between generality (breadth of applicability) and effectiveness in solving a given problem (particularly speed and cost}. The story of the DENDRAL program’s success as an application is in part a story of this tradeoff, which the remainder of this paper will sketch. We approach this discussion of generality of problem-solving systems with some caution since the history of the search for generality in problem solvers (primarily the GPs effort) will tend to color the discussion no matter what we say or do not say about it. Structure determination by mass spectral analysis is a technique pursued by its scientific practitioners because of its generality: its broad applicability 167 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES to all types of molecules. The designer of a problem-solving system to inter- face with this empirical data is inclined, at least initially, to try to match the generality of the physical process with generality of the reasoning process. Yet he soon finds, paradoxically, that he cannot afford this match, that he must retreat and rework his analysis into more specialized forms if he is to be able to use his problem solver on real problems. The Heuristic DENDRAL program has solved hundreds of structural inference problems, most recently of structures in the family of organic amines, for which the analysis is reasonably complex. The difference in running speed between solving these problems by the most general methods known to the program and solving them by its heuristic methods specialized for this type of problem is estimated to be as large as a factor of thirty thousand! The world known to the DENDRAL program is the world of organic chemical structures. For the purposes of this paper DENDRAL’s world will be taken to be the world of non-ringed (acyclic) organic molecules, although not all parts of the program are so constrained. [As of July 1970, the Structure Generator could delineate all acyclic isomers and all mono-cyclic (single- ringed ) isomers of a given chemical formula, the Predictor could predict mass spectra for acyclic molecules (and manipulate the internal structure of any cyclic molecules), and the Planner could infer structural information from the spectral data of any saturated acyclic monofunctional molecule. ] In the discussion to follow generality will mean breadth of applicability within the confines of the DENDRAL world. Some procedures apply to all possible structures in this world, and they will be considered the most general. If there were a procedure that applied only to a single molecule, that pro- cedure would be the least general. Thus, generality is to be taken to mean relative generality in the DENDRAL world. THE GENERAL PROBLEM-SOLVERS OF THE DENDRAL WORLD In another place (Lederberg et al. 1970), we have summarized our overall design philosophy as follows: ‘Some of the essential features of the DENDRAL program include: 1. Conceptualizing organic chemistry in terms of topological graph theory, that is, a general theory of ways of combining atoms. 2. Embodying this approach in an exhaustive hypothesis generator. This is a program which is capable, in principle, of “imagining” every conceivable molecular structure. 3. Organizing the generator so that it avoids duplication and irrelevancy, and moves from structure to structure in an orderly and predictable way. The key concept is that induction becomes a process of efficient selection from the domain of all possible structures. Heuristic search and evaluation are used to implement this efficient selection.’ 168 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG This is a design philosophy which is clearly aimed at the most general kind of problem-solving capability within the DENDRAL world, that is, any mass spectrum and associated chemical formula within the DENDRAL world can be treated. From another point of view, the DENDRAL program can be seen to be implemented within a generate-and-test paradigm, to use Newell’s termi- nology (Newell 1969). The ‘generate’ part is the Structure Generator program and the ‘test’ part is the Predictor program. Hypothesis generation and hypothesis validation are equally appropriate labels for these two stages of the problem solving. The Structure Generator incorporates: 1. an algorithm that allows it to proceed systematically from one possible candidate to the next, that is, a legal move generator that defines the space; 2. general criteria for instability of organic molecules that allow it to avoid working on chemically irrelevant structures; 3. procedures for treating subgraphs as if they were atoms, allowing particu- larly important combinations of atoms to be treated as a unit in the combina- torial work of the generator. Because of the structure of molecular graphs, this task environment lends itself to partial solutions using the techniques described below. The Structure Generator program knows nothing of the theory of mass spectrometry. Given a chemical formula, it will generate all the isomers (structural variants) that are chemically plausible a priori. These are the candidates that are input to the ‘test’ part of the generate-and-test procedure. The Structure Generator, even when used alone, has performed valuable Table 1. Numbers of possible non-cyclic molecular structures of selected formulas. These numbers define the size of the search space for problems involving molecules of a given chemical formula. The size of the space increases dramatically with both the number of carbon atoms and the number of other types of atoms in the formula. This table is abstracted from Lederberg ez al. (1969). Number of carbon atoms Chemical Formula 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAH Gn+2) 2 3 5 9 18 35 75 CH 294290 7 14 32 72 171 405 989 CHa a3)N 8 17 39 89 211 507-1238 C,H an+3y)NO 50 137 365 995 2727 — _— 169 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES service for chemists by exhibiting the sizes and structures of the analytical chemist’s problem spaces. The number of chemically-possible structural models, as shown in table 1, is an important boundary on a chemist’s problem hitherto known only for a few classes of problems (see Lederberg et al. 1969). The Predictor program is the ‘expert’ on the general theory of mass spectrometry. It answers this question for the system: Though the candidate may be chemically plausible on a priori grounds, is it a good candidate to explain the given mass spectrum? In other words, does its predicted spectrum fit the data? Table 2. Amino acid results Size of Number of Number of Rank order Name of Chemical problem plausible structures of correct ‘unknown’ formula space! structures? generated3 candidate4 Glycine CoHsNO2 38 12 8 Ist, 7 excluded Alanine C3H;NO2 216 50 3 Ist Serine C3H7NO; 324 40 10 Ist, 9 excluded Threonine CaH oNO3 1758 238 2 Ist Leucine Cs6H13NO2 ‘10000 3275 288 Tied for 2nd, ' (approx.) 277 excluded 1 The total size of the problem space is the number of topologically-possible molecular structures generated within valence considerations alone. ? The number of plausible structures is the number of molecular structures in the total space which also meet a priori conditions of chemical stability. The a priori rules have greater effect with increased numbers of non-carbon, non-hydrogen atoms. 3 The number of structures generated is the number of molecular structures actually generated by the program as candidate explanations of the experimental data. Pruning has been achieved by using the ‘zero-order’ theory during structure generation. 4 The rank order of the correct structure is the validation program’s assignment of rank to the actual molecular structure used as a test ‘unknown’. The number of structures excluded in the validation process is also indicated. The Predictor incorporates a general theory of the fragmentation and recombination processes that can take place in a mass spectrometer, insofar as these are known to our chemist collaborators. The Predictor program is continually under development as the theory of mass spectrometry develops. Any chemical structure in the DENDRAL world can be handled by the Predictor. In this sense, the Predictor is as general a problem-solving element as the Structure Generator; in fact, it is the necessary complement. The Heuristic DENDRAL program contains a great deal more than just 170 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG this generate-and-test team, as will be described subsequently. But it is instructive to ask: How powerful are these ‘generalists’ in solving mass spectral analysis problems? Table 2 exhibits the results for selected members of the family of amino acids. This family is distinguished from the other families with which we have worked by virtue of containing a relatively large number of heteroatoms (atoms not carbon or hydrogen) relative to the number of carbon atoms. For each entry, we give its common name, its chemical formula, the size of the problem space in terms of the number of topologically-possible isomers, the number of chemically-plausible isomers actually generated by the Structure Generator (using the ‘zero-order’ theory explained below), and the rank order assigned to the correct candidate (that is, the ‘right answer’) by the Predictor. It will be seen that the heuristics concerning unstable molecules have a substantial effect for amino acids, i.e., the number of chemically-plausible molecules is much less than the number of topologically- possible candidates. This will not in general be true for molecules with fewer types of atoms, for example, ketones, ethers, and amines, as we shall see later. PROBLEMS ATTENDANT UPON TOO MUCH GENERALITY Experiments such as those just summarized pointed up design problems that were consequences of the program’s generality. As a result of having to be prepared to handle in a homogeneous and complete manner any formula or any structure presented, the programs are costly in terms of computer running time and use of main memory. With respect to the Predictor, this means that it is feasible to test only a relatively small number of candidate solutions. In the Structure Generator, this means that it is feasible to start with only a small collection of atoms. The generality of the Structure Generator, which employs only relatively weak a priori constraints and no constraints imposed by the data, tends toward producing too many ‘plausible’ candidates. The generate-and-test procedure breaks down because the generator is too prolific and the test is too expensive. The solution to this design problem is to strengthen the heuristic controls over the generation of candidate solutions. There are a number of ways available to do this, some of which were tried with success, some with failure. The failures were at least as illuminating as the successes. The most obvious way will be mentioned first, and then discussed no further in this paper. It is this: review carefully the tricks in the heuristic programmer’s toolkit (particularly those that apply to the search of AND—OR problem reduction trees) and do not fail to apply them when they are applicable. The following examples from the Structure Generator illustrate the point: 1. At an oR node (in DENDRAL, the selection of a particular partitioning of the remaining unassigned atoms), try the easiest subproblem first. At an 171 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES AND node (in DENDRAL, making radicals from partition elements), try the hardest subproblem first. 2. Limit the number of subproblems considered at an oR node by evaluating the ‘quality’ of subproblems and discarding those below a threshold value. 3. For difficult problems, allow human intervention in the choice of sub- problems (this potentially-powerful heuristic procedure is available in DENDRAL, but has never been used in solving problems). HEURISTICS RELATED TO PROBLEM DATA: THE EMERGENCE OF ‘SPECIALISTS’ By far the most powerful method of gaining effective control over the gene- rator is to force its search to be relevant to specific problem data given as the input (the spectral data). That is, the candidates produced by the generator must be not only chemically plausible a@ priori but also likely solutions to the specific problem at hand. In DENDRAL, one method for doing this is as follows: whenever a move in the problem space defines a new piece of an emerging structure, validate the move with respect to mass spectral theory by predicting its consequences in terms of expected spectral lines; and prune moves that cannot be so vali- dated. In other words, reduce the search in light of the problem data by applying the theory of mass spectrometry to nodes in the problem space. For example, prune all structures to be built out of a cluster of 2 carbon atoms, 3 hydrogens, and 2 oxygens if there is no corresponding data point (mass = 59). A simple version of this method was used in early versions of the DENDRAL program. The theory of mass spectrometry used was so over- simplified that we called it derisively ‘the zero-order theory of mass spectro- metry’. Yet it turned out to be a cheap and effective pruning criterion for some problems, namely, the amino acids, for whose fragmentation the zero- order theory was not a bad theory. The zero-order theory failed, of course, on more complex problems, but a better theory was available, the general theory in the Predictor. A procedure was developed by which the Predictor was called every time there was a need for validation of a partial structure. When in doubt, consult the ‘generalist’! But the design experiment failed, for these reasons: 1. The ‘generalist’, as we have said, is too expensive even for partial struc- tures; and it was called too frequently. 2. The theory is most powerful in making statements about fragmentation at termini of chemical graphs; but the Structure Generator builds candidate graphs by starting at the center of the graph and building toward the termini. Thus the theory was most powerful precisely when it was having the least heuristic effect! This representational mismatch could have been remedied by considerable reprogramming (although a total correction would have benefited by a complete reconceptualization and reprogramming of the 172 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG Structure Generator), but it points up how critical are the problems of representation when one considers using the knowledge held by one process to control another, There are other heuristic methods available in this concrete, running program, however. These we shall call ‘aggregation’ and ‘planning’. Both have general (and well-recognized) importance quite apart from their power in the DENDRAL application. In DENDRAL, both are employed prior to the search for candidate solutions, and serve to ‘preset’ the generator to work only on those families of structures that meet certain conditions inferred from the problem data. To be effective, these processes must be cheap, relative to a search unconstrained by their inferences. As we shall see, this is achieved by the use of highly-specialized rules for interpreting the ‘meaning’ of the problem data (spectral lines). These rules are the formal representation of what the chemist considers to be his good judgement in properly organizing his inference problem. Aggregation is a self-evident general technique for reducing the number of alternatives produced by any combinatorial generator. Aggregate the combinatorial elements into bigger units and treat these as if they were elements. In DENDRAL, any subgraph can be treated as a ‘superatom’ with a valence. The internal structure of the superatom is not manipulated by the combinatorial generator. The most general view of the aggregation heuristic in DENDRAL is this: Use whatever specialized knowledge and processes and whatever auxiliary data are available to infer pieces (partial structures) of the solution. Make these superatoms. For the remaining atoms, uncommitted to superatoms, use the general structure-generating machinery to build the interstitial structures in all the ways allowed by the heuristics defining chemical plausibility. This general approach has been used in many particular ways. For example: 1. The Structure Generator can be supplied with a list of superatoms that are known a priori to be highly stable and therefore likely to occur in nature. 2. A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum, important auxiliary data to a mass spectrum analysis, often provides clear and easily-obtained information about the number of methyl superatoms (CH3) in the structure. Infra-red and ultra-violet spectra can reveal other kinds of substructure, which can be similarly treated as superatoms. 3. The key subgraphs of a molecule (those containing the heteroatoms) usually leave their particular ‘fingerprints’ in the lines of the mass spectrum. Complex pattern recognition criteria have been developed by us for identifying these key subgraphs, which are then treated as superatoms. A few of these rules are shown in table 3. 4. Sequence extrapolation and deft numerology have been used to infer some simple structures, such as the longest unbranched chain in the molecule. Once identified, they become superatoms. 5. By direct human intervention, any aggregation — any superatom — can be 173 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES established. This is of great importance when the program is used as an ‘assistant’ in a very complicated problem. The human chemist often knows in advance basically what kind of structures he is working with, that is, he knows most of the structure ab initio. The known piece of structure is input as a superatom; DENDRAL then is of assistance in analyzing the unknown part and connecting all parts to form complete molecules. Aggregation, as just described, is a part of the more formal, more organized, Table 3. Heuristics used for identifying three superatoms. See Duffield et al. (1969), Schroll et al. (1969), and Buchs eg al. (1970a) for fuller discussions of these and other sets of heuristics used in planning. Superatom Identifying conditions Name Structure i | Ketone -—-C— There are 2 peaks at mass units x] & x2 such that (a) x14+x2=M +28, (b) x1 —28 is a high peak, (c) x2—28 is a high peak, (d) At least one of x1 or x2 is high. O N-Propyl CH,—CH,—-CH,—-¢¢-CH,-C_CH 1. 71 is a high peak, Ketone3 2. 43 is a high peak, 3. 86 is a high peak, 4. 58 appears with any intensity. Ether —C—O—C— 1. M-18 is a peak of 0 or 1% intensity, 2. M-17 is a peak of 0 or 1% intensity, 3. There are 2 peaks corresponding to the alpha-cleavage fragments. 174 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG more complete heuristic process in DENDRAL that we call planning. [The aggregation heuristics are currently the most important parts of our planning process, but not the only parts. For example, the heuristics which infer the weights of radicals attached to the central subgraph for later use in search control in the generator are not aggregation heuristics. Planning, in our view, can be a much broader process than just aggregation. A plan can contain any information that subsequently will be useful in controlling the search for solutions.] We have organized the planning process around a planning model shown below, where F is the key subgraph of the molecules (that which determines its chemical family), and R1... Rv are the subgraphs (radicals) that are connected to it. At the planning stage in a particular analysis, more than one F may be possible. The number of radicals attached to the various possible Fs may differ. mo R6 R2 a RS R3 R4 A plan given to the Structure Generator by the Planner consists of: 1. one or more Fs, as superatoms; 2. for each F, the ‘molecular’ weights of the radicals attached to the various valence bonds; 3. other information about aggregation. The plan delineates the subset of the set of all plausible structures that will be allowed as solution candidates. In effect, it determines that the search for solutions will take place in some particular subtree of the DENDRAL space. How far below the root of the tree (that is, how much of the ‘upper levels’ need not be searched) is a function of how much aggregation there is in the Fs. In the early forms of the planning process (previously called a ‘preliminary inference’ process), the Fs and the pattern recognition rules for identifying Fs were determined in a basically ad hoc fashion, by the thorough, careful, but painstaking technique involving chemist, computer, and DENDRAL staff member that has been described as ‘Eliciting a Theory from an Expert’ (Buchanan ef al. 1970). In a series of carefully-chosen steps up the ladder of structural and mass spectral complexity, heuristically-powerful sets of Fs and rules for the acyclic monofunctional (that is, one F at a time) chemical families were worked out. The aggregation heuristics previously discussed were employed. The Planner developed into the system’s ‘specialist? on the meaning of spectral lines — a collection of special facts and special-purpose heuristics organized around particular chemical families. 175 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES The use of the Planner as a specialist controlling a general search process is powerful. Results for the analysis of mass spectra of the chemical families of ketones and ethers are illustrative. See tables 4 and 5. The differences between numbers of structures in the columns labeled ‘Number of chemi- cally plausible structures’ and the columns labeled ‘Number of structures generated’ exhibit the power of planning in limiting search in these problems. Table 4. Ketone results. Size of Number of Number of Rank order Name of Chemical problem plausible structures of correct ‘unknown’ = formula space! structures? generated3 candidate4 2-Butanone C4HsO0 11 11 1 Ist 3-Pentanone Cs5Hi90 33 33 I ist 3-Hexanone CeH2,O 91 91 1 Ist 2-Methyl- hexan-3-one C7H 40 254 254 1 Ist 3-Heptanone C7H,40 254 254 2 Tied for Ist 3-Octanone CgH 15.0 698 698 4 Ist 4-Octanone CsH;60 698 698 2 Ist, 1 excluded 2,4-Dimethy]l- Tied for Ist, hexan-3-one CsgHi60 698 698 4 1 excluded 6-Methyl- heptan-3-one CgHi50 698 698 4 Ist 3-Nonanone CoH 1,0 1936 1936 7 Ist 2-Methyl- octan-3-one CoH;30 1936 1936 4 1st5 4-Nonanone CoH130 1936 1936 4 ist5 1 The total size of the problem space is the number of topologically-possible molecular structures generated within valence considerations alone. 2 The number of plausible structures is the number of molecular structures in the total space which also meet a priori conditions of chemical stability. The a priori rules have no effect with formulas containing a single non-carbon, non-hydrogen atom. 3 The number of structures generated is the number of molecular structures actually generated by the program as candidate explanations of the experimental data. Pruning has been achieved by using the planning information from the Planning program. 4 The rank order of the correct structure is the validation program’s assignment of rank to the actual molecular structure used as a test ‘unknown’. The number of structures excluded in the process is also indicated. 5 Previous publication showed the correct structure excluded. The general rules of the program have since been modified to improve its performance. 176 FELGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG THE PLANNING PROCESS The primary fact of life for heuristic program designers is that increases in complexity of problems are accompanied by exponential increases in the size of the problem spaces to be searched. Successful heuristic designs cope by increasing the number and/or power of the heuristics to match increases in the size of the space. The chemical family of amines presents such a challenge for DENDRAL. Amines contain a nitrogen atom as the key heteroatom. Since nitrogen has three valence bonds compared with oxygen’s two, amines represent the next logical step up in complexity from the ketones and ethers. For any fixed number of carbon atoms, there are many more amines than either ketones or ethers. That is, there is a marked increase in the size of the spaces to be searched. Early experiments with amines showed the usual pattern of system break- down symptomatic of too little heuristic power for the size of the spaces. Since for amines the a priori stability heuristics that define chemical plausi- bility for the generator have little or no heuristic power, all of the heuristic control over the generator must come from the plan. Producing plans simply by extrapolating the techniques used for the ketone and ether families was grossly inadequate. In such a situation, a sensible design change is to give the Planner the ability to specify more completely the form of acceptable solution candidates. The generator is thereby constrained to search a smaller space. One way to do this is by more aggregation —- to cause more pieces or larger pieces of structure to be ‘predetermined’ by special-purpose inference schemes. In the DENDRAL development, increased aggregation in the planning stage was designed in as follows: 1. In a systematic way, the size of the Fs was increased to incorporate more carbon and hydrogen atoms. If the set of Fs is to be logically complete within the size bound chosen, then by the ordinary combinatorics, the number of possible Fs from which selections will be made must increase. This complicates the classification decision by which it is inferred that the spectral data indicates a particular F (or set of Fs). The systematic method used for enumerating the set of Fs for amines was chosen very carefully to mate best with that part of the theory of mass spectrometry that seemed most powerful in aiding the classification decision. The system for constructing the Fs and the mass spectral theory to which it mates (alpha-carbon fragmentation theory) are described in detail elsewhere (Buchs et al. 1970) and will not be explicated here. 2. Heuristics for the interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were added to the Planner. As previously mentioned, these auxiliary data are useful for inferring the number of CH; superatoms in the structure (also how many of these superatoms are linked to a carbon, how many to the heteroatom). A complete interpretation of the NMR spectrum is often N 177 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES Table 5. Ether and alcohol results. Number of Number of C,Han+2)0 inferred isomers? Alcohol isomers!.2 A B n-butyl C4 7 2 1 Iso-butyl 7 2 1 Sec-butyl 7 3 2 2-methyl-2-butyl Cs 14 1 1 n-pentyl 14 4 ! 3-pentyl 14 1 1 2-methyl-1-butyl 14 4 2 2-pentyl 14 2 1 3-hexyl Co 32 2 1 3-methyl-1-pentyl! 32 8 4 4-methyl-2-pentyl 32 4 1 n-hexyl 32 8 1 3-heptyl Cc; 72 4 1 2-heptyl 72 8 1 3-ethyl-3-pentyl 72 1 1 2,4-dimethyl-3-pentyl 72 3 1 n-heptyl 72 17 1 3-methyl-1-hexyl 72 17 6 n-octyl Cs 17] 39 1 3-octyl 171 8 | 2,3,4-trimethyl-3-pentyl 171 3 1 n-nonyl Co 405 89 1 2-nonyl 405 39 1 n-decyl Cio 989 211 1 6-ethyl-3-octyl 989 39 9 3,7-dimethyl-1-octyl 989 211 41 n-dodecyl Cr 6045 1238 1 2-butyl-1-octyl 6045 1238 25 n-tetradecyl C14 38322 7639 1 3-tetradecyl 38322 1238 1 n-hexadecyl C16 151375 48865 1 A=Inferred isomers when only mass spectrometry is used. B=Inferred isomers when the number of methyl radicals is known from NMR data. The total size of the problem space is the number of topologically-possible molecular structures generated within valence considerations alone. 178 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG Table 5 cont. Number of Number of C,Han+2)O0 inferred isomers} Ether isomers!2 A B Methyl-n-propyl C4 7 2 1 Methyl-iso-propyl 7 3 1 Methyl-n-butyl 14 2 1 Methy!-iso-butyl 14 2 1 Ethyl-iso-propyl 14 1 1 Ethyl-n-butyl Cs 32 4 1 Ethyl-iso-butyl 32 4 2 Ethyl-sec-butyl 32 2 2 Ethyl-tert-butyl 32 1 1 Di-n-propyl 32 l 1 Di-iso-propyl 32 1 1 n-propyl-n-butyl Cr 72 2 1 Ethyl-n-pentyl 72 4 1 Methyl-n-hexyl 72 8 1 Iso-propy!-sec-butyl 72 3 2 Iso-propyl-n-pentyl Cg 171 4 1 n-propyl-n-penty] 171 4 1 Di-n-butyl 171 3 1 Iso-butyl-tert-butyl 171 2 1 Ethyl-n-heptyl Co 405 34 1 n-butyl-n-penty! 405 8 1 Di-n-pentyl Cio 989 10 1 Di-iso-pentyl 989 18 7 Di-n-hexyl Ci2 6045 125 2 Di-n-octyl C16 151375 780 1 Bis-2-ethylhexyl 151375 780 21 Di-n-decyl C20 11428365 22366 1 2 The number of plausible structures is the number of molecular structures in the total space which also meet a priori conditions of chemical stability. The a priori rules have no effect with formulas containing a single non-carbon, non-hydrogen atom. 3 The number of structures generated is the number of molecular structures actually generated by the program as candidate explanations of the experimental data. Pruning has been achieved by using the planning information from the Planning program. 179 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES impossible to make, whether the interpreter is human or DENDRAL, but in any event is not necessary. Whatever partial interpretation can be done unambiguously by the heuristics will be reflected in the plan by corresponding aggregation information. A new Planner [for historical reasons called ‘Inference Maker’ in Buchs et al. (1970)] implements these ideas. The structure of this program is very simple, but the mass spectrum interpretation heuristics are quite complex. These rules, developed by the DENDRAL group, stand on their own as a contribution to the methodology of mass spectrum analysis. Because of their complexity, however, they are best applied by a computer program, not a human chemist, giving DENDRAL a substantial performance edge over human analysts for the class of problems handled by the rules. The Planner has the following organization: 1, If an NMR spectrum is given as problem information, infer all that can be inferred about the methyl superatoms. Include this information in the plan. In addition, use it in the test part of step 4 below. 2. Generate a list of the relevant Fs for the chemical family being considered (for example, generate the 31 Fs relevant to amines). 3. Associate with each F a property list which contains a number of criteria of applicability (‘diagnostic’ criteria) for that F. In large measure these criteria are inferred from mass spectral theory. (We mentioned earlier that the method of structuring the Fs was chosen to make this application of theory easy.) 4. Test each superatom against the given mass spectrum to ascertain whether all of the ‘diagnostic’ criteria for it are satisfied by the data. If any part of this validation test series fails, discard the F. 5. All Fs not discarded are included in the plan. For each of these, infer the weights of the attached radicals from the spectral data and include these sets of weights in the plan. Table 6 exhibits the results of using this planning process on a group of amine compounds. There are some noteworthy things about the data in this table, for example: 1. The size of the problem spaces for some of the amines (over 14 million isomers of C29H43N!); 2. The impotence of the mass spectrum alone in finding the answer (or a small set of answers). This difficulty is not caused by a lack of expertise in the program. Human experts are in exactly the same situation, or perhaps worse. 3. The extraordinary effect of the NMR data to assist the mass spectrum analysis. Every time a ‘1’ appears in the extreme right column, it indicates that the plan contained so much information about the solution, that the plan in fact uniquely determined the solution! Even in the other cases, the number of isomers in the plan-constrained space is trivially small. This is remarkable. The Planner, which is the specialist at ‘understanding’ 180 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG the data and inferring conditions on the solution, is so powerful that the need for the general problem-solving processes of the system is obviated. Another way to view this is that all the relevant theoretical knowledge to solve these amine problems has been mapped over from its general form in the Predictor (‘first principles’) to efficient special forms in the Planner (‘cookbook recipes’). The details of how each specialist works have been described elsewhere. In each particular case, new constraints on the problem lead to new heuristics for shortcutting the general combinatorial theory. When the shortcuts can be discovered, a specialist emerges; otherwise, the program relies on its general capabilities. On the average, the problems of table 6 each took about 0-5 seconds of computer time to solve, whereas the average ketone or ether problem shown in previous tables took a few minutes to solve; and the average amine problem done by the method used for the ketones would take much longer. PLANNING RULE GENERATOR At this point, we will review the most important features of the planning process. Though it houses a few general practitioners performing aggregation, the Planner is primarily a house of specialists. The areas of specialty are chemical families such as ketones, ethers, and amines. One process makes the necessary plan-formulation decisions for all the specialists. The expertness of a specialist is contained in what it knows about its family of specialization, particularly the expected patterns of mass spectral lines for a set of subclasses of the family. There is, in effect, an N-position switch at the very front end of DENDRAL, which is set when a heuristic procedure or human intervention declares the family of molecules to be considered. [Deciding on an appropriate setting of the switch may involve some ‘active’ processing, for example, some search. Unless told by human intervention, DENDRAL does not know at the outset what the appropriate specialist is. It discovers this by some trial-and-error search. This involves, first, guessing the correct heteroatom (assuming that the empirical formula is not given). If, as a result of this guess, the specialist that is appropriate cannot validate even one F, a ‘backtracking’ takes place in which the guess is abandoned, and a new guess as to heteroatom is made. ] Setting the switch calls the appropriate specialist. If there is none, the switch is set to a default position which calls only general practitioners. The specialist knows how to generate the central superatoms relevant to its family and the associated validation criteria for each superatom. The specialist was given this information by us, the designers. The designers, who know the theory of mass spectrometry, have selected some of this theory ~ first-order effects — as the basis for a preliminary interpretation of the data. The slice of theory so selected determines what size and structural form the central superatoms must have. The designers then deduce the actual structures of all of the logically-possible central superatoms of that size and form. 181 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES Table 6. Amine results. Number of Number of C,H(2n+3)N inferred isomers} Amine isomers!.2 A B n-propyl C3 4 1 1 Iso-propy| 4 2 1 n-butyl C4 8 2 1 Iso-butyl 8 2 1 Sec-butyl 8 4 2 Tert-buty] 8 3 I Di-ethyl 8 3 1 N-methyl-n-propyl 8 4 1 Ethyl-n-propyl Cs 17 5 1 N-methyl-di-ethyl 17 4 1 n-pentyl 17 4 1 Iso-pentyl 17 4 2 2-pentyl 17 2 ] 3-pentyl 17 5 1 3-methyl-2-butyl 17 4 1 N-methyl-n-butyl 17 4 1 N-methyl-sec-butyl 17 3 1 N-methyl-iso-butyl 17 4 1 n-hexyl Ce 39 8 1 Tri-ethyl 39 2 1 2-hexyl 39 8 1 Di-n-propyl 39 8 1 Di-iso-propyl 39 8 1 N-methyl-n-pentyl 39 8 1 N-methyl-iso-pentyl 39 8 2 Ethyl-n-butyl 39 6 1 N,N-dimethyl-n-butyl 39 10 1 n-heptyl C; 89 17 1 Ethyl-n-pentyl 89 16 1 n-butyl-iso-propyl 89 11 1 4-methyl-2-hexyl 89 16 4 N-methyl-di-iso-propyl 89 15 3 A=Inferred isomers when only mass spectrometry is used. B= Inferred isomers when the number of methyl radicals is known from NMR data. 1 The total size of the problem space is the number of topologically-possible molecular structures generated within valence considerations alone. 182 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG Table 6 cont. Number of Number of C,Hen+3ayN inferred isomers3 Amine isomers!2 A B n-octyl Cg 211 39 1 Ethyl-n-hexyl 211 24 1 1-methylheptyl 211 34 1 2-ethylhexyl 211 39 9 1,1-dimethylhexy] 211 32 4 Di-n-butyl 211 24 1 Di-sec-butyl 211 33 8 D-iso-buty] 211 17 5 Di-ethyl-n-butyl 211 17 3 3-octyl 211 26 2 n-nonyl Co 507 89 1 N-methyl-di-n-butyl 507 13 1 Tri-n-propyl 507 2 1 Di-n-pentyl Cio 1238 83 1 Di-iso-pentyl 1238 109 16 N,N-dimethyl-2-ethylhexyl 1238 156 9 n-undecyl Cu 3057 507 1 n-dodecyl Cp 7639 1238 1 n-tetradecyl Ci4 48865 10115 1 Di-n-heptyl 48865 646 1 N,N-dimethyl-n-dodecyl 48865 4952 1 Tri-n-pentyl Cis 124906 40 1 Bis-2-ethylhexyl Ci6 321988 2340 24 N,N-dimethyl-n-tetradecyl 321988 3895 I Di-ethyl-n-dodecyl 321988 2476 1 n-heptadecyl Ci7 830219 124906 1 N-methyl-bis-2-ethylhexyl 830219 2340 24 n-octadecyl Cig 2156010 48865 1 N-methyl-n-octyl-n-nonyl 2156010 15978 1 N,N-dimethyl-n-octadecyl C29 14715813 1284792 1 2 The number of plausible structures is the number of molecular structures in the total space which also meet a priori conditions of chemical stability. The a priori rules have no effect with formulas containing a single non-carbon, non-hydrogen atom. 3 The number of structures generated is the number of molecular structures actually generated by the program as candidate explanations of the experimental data. Pruning has been achieved by using the planning information from the Planning program. 183 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES Table 7. Thioether and thiol results. Number of Number of C,H 2n+2)8 inferred isomers3 Thioether isomers!2 A B Methyl-ethyl C3 3 1 1 Methyl-n-propyl C4 7 1 1 Methyl-iso-propyl 7 2 1 Di-ethyl 7 I 1 Methyl-n-butyl Cs 14 3 1 Methyl-iso-butyl 14 5 2 Methyl]-tert-butyl 14 1 1 Ethyl-iso-propyl 14 1 1 Ethyl-n-propyl 14 2 1 Ethyl-n-butyl Co 32 3 1 Ethyl-tert-buty] 32 1 1 Ethyl-iso-butyl 32 3 2 Di-n-propyl 32 2 1 Methyl-n-pentyl 32 10 1 Di-iso-propyl 32 I 1 Ethyl-n-pentyl Cy 72 4 1 n-propyl-n-butyl 72 5 1 Iso-propyl-n-butyl 72 5 2 Iso-propyl-tert-buty] 72 1 1 n-propyl-iso-butyl 72 3 2 fso-propyl-sec-buty] 72 4 3 n-propyl-n-pentyl Cg 171 4 1 Ethyl-n-hexyl 171 8 1 Di-n-butyl 171 5 1 Di-sec-buty] 171 3 1 Di-iso-buty] 171 3 1 Methyl-n-heptyl 171 21 1 Di-n-pentyl C10 989 12 1 Di-n-hexyl Ci 6045 36 1 Di-n-heptyl C4 38322 153 1 A=Inferred isomers when only mass spectrometry is used. B=Inferred isomers when the number of methyl radicals is known from NMR data. 184 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG Table 7 cont. Number of Number of C,,A(an42)8 inferred isomers} Thiol isomers}:2 A B n-propyl C3 3 2 1 iso-propyl 3 1 1 n-butyl Cy, 7 3 1 iso-butyl 7 3 1 Tert-butyl 7 1 I 2-methyl-2-butyl Cs 14 1 1 3-methyl-2-butyl 14 2 1 3-methyl-1-butyl 14 6 3 n-pentyl 14 4 1 3-pentyl 14 5 3 2-pentyl 14 6 3 n-hexyl Ce 32 8 1 2-hexyl 32 12 5 2-methyl-1-pentyl 32 8 4 4-methyl-2-pentyl 32 4 2 3-methyl-3-pentyl 32 1 1 2-methyl-2-hexyl Cz 72 8 3 n-heptyl 72 17 1 2-ethyl-1-hexyl Cs 171 39 9 n-octyl 171 39 i 1-nonyl Co 405 89 1 n-decyl Cig 989 21] 1 n-dodecyl Cr 6045 1238 1 ! The total size of the problem space is the number of topologically-possible molecular structures generated within valence considerations alone. 2 The number of plausible structures is the number of molecular structures in the total space which also meet a priori conditions of chemical stability. The @ priori rules have no effect with formulas containing a single non-carbon, non-hydrogen atom. 3 The number of structures generated is the number of molecular structures actually generated by the program as candidate explanations of the experimental data. Pruning has been achieved by using the planning information from the Planning program. 185 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES The designers also deduce from the first-order theory specific values for the validation criteria to be associated with each central superatom. The results of these two deductive steps (superatoms and criteria) taken together constitute a set of planning rules to be used at the time the specific plans are formulated. Thus a set of planning rules makes the Planner a specialist for a chemical family. Once alive and tested, the new specialist is added to the “big switch’. It is evident that when the designer has chosen the slice of theory he wishes to use for planning purposes, the remainder of his work, the generation of planning rules, can be, in fact should be, done by program. As the molecular families treated become more complex, necessitating the addition of heuristic power in the planning stage if the generator is to be properly controlled, the planning analysis involves increasingly more theory, which in turn leads to increased difficulty for humans in generating logically-complete and accurate sets of planning rules. In addition, a Planning Rule Generator program can create, automatically, specialists for each of the member-families of the broad class of families to which the theory now applies. This is an automatic mass production process that can replace the tedious and expensive process of eliciting knowledge from an expert that we have used in the past. A Planning Rule Generator has been written for DENDRAL. It deals with the very general class of saturated (that is, no double bonds or rings), acyclic monofunctional compounds. Plan schemata have been generated by this program for the following families: thiols and thioethers (heteroatom is sulfur); ethers; alcohols; and amines. These planning rules were then used by DENDRAL in solving problems in these areas (that is, the ordinary DENDRAL performance mode). The results are shown in tables 5, 6, and 7. The comments we made earlier concerning table 6 apply also to tables 5 and 7. The Planning Rule Generator is a complex program, the details of which cannot be described here. Those interested can find a description of the program from a chemical point of view in a recent publication (Buchs et al. 1970). The DENDRAL Planner is a performance process. The Planning Rule Generator is not. It is a higher-level planning process by which it is determined how planning shall be done in particular classes of problems. For us it is the first small step up the ladder of programs for theory manipulation and theory formation ‘meta’ to the DENDRAL performance program. We view the building of such programs as a promising endeavor. DENDRAL as a perfor- mance program is complex enough and rich enough in internal structure and theory to provide many firm foundation points on which to erect a meta- level for the study of theory formation processes. GENERALITY AND THE DESIGNS FOR PROBLEM-SOLVING SYSTEMS We shall conclude this paper with a return to the theme with which we began: 186 FEIGENBAUM, BUCHANAN AND LEDERBERG generality, expertness, and the design of problem solvers. As a case study, we have traced the evolution of designs for a system that solves difficult scientific inference problems. The forcing function for the evolution of designs was primarily the set of demands placed upon the organization of the DENDRAL program by increasingly more complex and difficult tasks. The design which we now have is ‘natural’ (that is, shaped by the real world), not ‘artificial’ or abstract. Many threads have been woven into our discussion: general processes and representations in DENDRAL; the cost of generality; heuristic power; the specialization of knowledge in the planning process; planning as a method for translating problem data into search constraints and solution conditions: higher-level planning as a method for building specialists from general theory. We now ask whether these threads form a meaningful fabric. The study of generality in problem solving has been dominated by a point of view that calls for the design of ‘universal’ methods and ‘universal’ problem representations. These are the Gps-like and Advice-Taker-like models. This approach to generality has great appeal, but there are difficulties intrinsic to it: the difficulty of translating specific tasks into the general representation ; and the tradeoff between generality and power of the methods. In recognition of these difficulties, a viewpoint at the other extreme has emerged, informally called ‘the big switch hypothesis’ (Ernst and Newell 1969). In this view, general problem-solvers are too weak to be used as the basis for building high-performance systems. The behavior of the best general problem-solvers we know, human problem-solvers, is observed to be weak and shallow, except in the areas in which the human problem-solver is a specialist. And it is observed that the transfer of expertness between specialty areas is slight. A chess master is unlikely to be an expert algebraist or an expert mass spectrum analyst, etc. In this view, the expert is the specialist, with a specialist’s knowledge of his area and a specialist’s methods and heuristics. The ‘big switch hypothesis’ holds that generality in problem solving is achieved by arraying specialists at the terminals of a big switch. The big switch is moved from specialist to specialist as the problem solver switches its attention from one problem area to another. [In this paper, we merely state the hypothesis without discussing it. The kinds of problem-solving processes, if any, which are involved in ‘setting the switch’ (selecting a specialist ) is a topic that obviously deserves detailed examination in another paper. } Our case study of the DENDRAL program suggests a synthesis of these extreme points of view. The features that characterize a general problem- solving process are present. Within the DENDRAL world, the search for solution candidates in the Structure Generator and the validation procedure of the Predictor are ‘universal’ methods, and the representation employed is ‘universal’. The general methods do solve DENDRAL problems, sometimes 187 HEURISTIC PARADIGMS AND CASE STUDIES well, as with some amino-acid spectra, but they are relatively weak and in- efficient. To increase accuracy and efficiency, specialists emerged, but in a design which called for compatibility and coexistence with the general processes. The existing internal representation was maintained throughout as a ‘common language’ understood by both generalist and specialist. The specialists did not replace the generalists. They were written to function as planners, providing search constraints and solution conditions. The ‘big switch’ in DENDRAL is at the front end of the Planner Program. Despite the array of powerful specialists on the switch, perhaps the most important position is the default position - the ‘not elsewhere classified’ bypass — that calls the general problem-solving processes when the knowledge of a specialist is not available. The Planning Rule Generator makes the symbiosis of generalist and specialist mutual. The theory of mass spectrometry that is used by the Predictor to validate candidates (or some part of it) is used by the Planning Rule Generator to deduce a new specialist for the ‘big switch’. Herein, we think, lies the germ of another method for problem solvers. A general problem-solving process in part achieves generality because it employs a general theory of the nature and behavior of the objects and operators of its world. This theory can be used in what we might call ‘execute mode’, as, for example, when DENDRAL’s Predictor is validating a candidate solution. But this theory can also be used in what might be called ‘compile mode’, as, for example, when the Planning Rule Generator is deducing a new specialist. This idea needs an extended discussion, which we are not prepared to give here. But we shall make two brief observations. The first observation is that the idea closely parallels the line of argument given by Simon in his book of essays on heuristic programming, The New Science of Management Decision (Simon 1960). In discussing human decision-making, particularly in organizations, Simon draws a dichotomy between the routine repetitive decision problems, which he calls ‘programmed decisions’ and the novel one-shot decision problems, which he calls ‘non- programmed decisions’. Concerning ‘programmed decisions’, the organiza- tion ‘develops specific processes for handling them’. Examples are: habits (an individual’s “compiled subroutines’), standard operating procedures (an organization’s ‘compiled subroutines’), mathematical models from Opera- tions Research, and EDP procedures. The ‘nonprogrammed’ decision prob- lems are ‘handled by general problem-solving processes’. To a large extent, it is the repetitiveness with which a decision problem presents itself that determines whether it is economic for an organization to invest resources in routinizing and specializing the decision-making process, that is, to ‘com- pile’ general processes into special-purpose routines. The second observation is that the idea may be much more difficult to 188