"Marineland" certainly bears out your D contentions. But I fear it may distract from EC 1] 196 rather than focus effort on the central problems, of pollution. 3 However, your idea is meritorious enough for its own benefits. But why not build on the public z00? S.F,. will probably bave to charge non-resident users if it can ever afford a regional park ~- or else why not set up a special park-district for tax purposes. The Legislature is the place to press this. Also contact Dr. Oppenheimer, . Maurice Olfman Sincerelf, 405 Serrano Drive 4E San Francisco, CA 94132 Dec. 9,1969 on . =m Ent; —— , Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Palo Alto Dear Professor Lederberg: After you acknowledged in your newspaper article “Air Full of Poison” that you were slow in paying serious attention to the warnings about the Man-made deterioration of our environment, I became a faithful reader of your column, (Wwe 10 My paramount interest of late has been the conservation of our environment, Since my training and occupation was along a different line, I found it encouraging that a man of your status should confirm that there is cause for alarm about, atrocious abuses of our environment, Enclosed is a letter that I am writing to a number of prominent people, I hope you‘find my zoo proposal has sufficient merit to warrant your endorse-~ ment since I fear that my credentials may be insufficient to get me a hearing, Of course your reply will not obligate you in any way whatsoever, Yours sincerely, We wa uci’ C Mypeae. Maurice Olfman