DrrDonald Oken Clinical Research -Branch - Oy © ken — ape Stared UAL! National Instituté of Mental Health ‘5454 Wisconsin Avenue AIR bibl satay Hose Chevy Chase, Maryland mo, - v7. Hh 3 - . ARARS | C a} on ao - ’ nfs fee tony, ce clacatcet} ° SOME EMPIRICAL AND CONCEPTUAL BASES FOR am yma ree COORDINATED RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: 1 f I ds, and E ide ce ; A Critical Review of Issues, Tren nd Eviden Borate , by ae Hans H. Strupp "Allen E. Bergin duet a ; and . Vanderbilt University Teachers College, Columbia Universit Wo pponitts ‘os i Thus far, research in psychotherapy has’ failed to make a deep lea he pact on practice and technique. Presumably, this is due to the fact sag sos ey "| Prof. J. Lederberg? that the results of most investigations have hot had substantial practiDepartment of Genetics School of Medicine tal significance. Reasons for this include the relatively short periodStanford University Palo Alto, California of time systematic research has been focused on the problems of psycho- Cv Amc) therapy, deficiences in techniques available to the researcher, and OW practical difficulties in designing and carrying out adequately con- * trolled studies. OS Most researchers have been faced with serious limitations in col- m lecting and analyzing data from representative samples of patients and = therapists; follow-up studies have been difficult to carry out; the cru- cial requirement of enlisting the full cooperation of therapists, pa- tients, and institutions has been a continual stumbling block, and in general rigorous designs have been difficult to impose upon the thera- peutic phenomena themselves. Researchers who have, attacked problems in “the area through experimental analogues and similar techniques frequently _ have been unable to relate their findings to actual therapy situations. - NOTE: This document is a draft, subject to revisions before publication. , Several persons have already sent comments and suggestions to the authors; their assistance is greatly appreciated and will be properly acknowledged in the final version.