DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION. AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH 5454 WISCONSIN AVENUE CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 20203 REFER TO: AREA CODE 30t TEL: 656-4000 July 22, 1968 AIRMAIL Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am delighted that you found the Strupp-Bergin review of interest. It is particularly important that a person like yourself who is sophisticated about the scientific issues--apart from an “official” concern as a member of the National Advisory Mental Health Council--be aware of activity in the area of psychotherapy research. I am glad you also enjoyed the "Psychotherapy Research: Volume III". NAA Since the bibliography will not be available in print for some time, I have contacted Dr. Strupp and asked him to send you a copy directly. « You should be receiving this from him soon. 2 Perhaps you have heard that I am leaving NIMH soon to become chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center at Syracuse. However, I feel confident that the Branch will continue to push the research program in this crucial area. Cordially, Donald Oken, M. D. j <\ 7 Chief J 6 ef a Clinical Research Branch | v ec: Drs. Strupp and Bergin 5 Yeo owe af" Thanks o~ Conk Ah angen ter