OCT 12 1967, SAN FRANCISCO PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE we 2420 SUTTER STREET TELEPHONE 931-4205 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94115 October 11, 1967 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Doctor Lederberg: I am sure that you understood last night the degree of enthusiasm which our membership received from your challeng- ing views and how delighted we were to have an opportunity to exchange ideas on some of the problems you called to our attention. I hope that you found it, in some way, worthy of your time and that you might consider spending another evening with us at some future date. It. is very likely that the article which I am enclosing for your attention is one with which you are familiar. How- ever, since many of the thoughts we expressed were somewhat prompted by the views of Freud expressed in it, I thought I would call it to your attention on the small chance that you may be unfamiliar with it. After the meeting I thought of two other instances where- by scientists were persecuted for views which they heralded which later received rather general acceptance. One was the case of John Elliott who was forced to resign his position as Professor of Medicine in London because of his early involve- ment with mesmerism and hypnosis, and his attempt to apply it in his medical practice. The other is of Semmelweis whose position in medicine in terms of the irradication of puerperal fever is‘well known to you. May I thank you again not only on behalf of myself, but on behalf of our membership. Very truly yours, FW o—— Haskell F. Norman, M.D. Chairman HFN:c Committee on Postgraduate Education Enc.