APR 1 1969 SPACE BIOLOGY Cason anyyvdrd (ssues te TAe pours - To contribute substantt t-of~a-—fundementel unifying theory of biology, by increasing our understanding of GOALS the influence of gravity and time_on life processes and structures. ; Pt rcedArecty capabilities of space-flight for the advancement of such fields as-medicine, public health, and agriculture, —~————___-_ FUTURE POSITION OF VALUE . | ~~] _The significant position of achievement, to which our space biolog program will contribute substantially during the next fifteen year is the development of # coherent and unifying theory g# biology. The possession of such g theory will make it possible to increase by several-fold the contribution of biological research to the solution of contemporary social problems. Although biological knowledge to date has resulted in some of the most useful applications in the whole of human existence, such as a phenomenal increase in longevity and in food production, the knowledge has come from empirical research approaches which are very slow and which are low in predictive value. In other fields of science, such as physics and chemistry, unifying theories have greatly increased the ability to predict events, Therefore, we can logically expect @ new theory in biology to result in a much improved ability to produce useful benefits for man. Since many of our major problems are biological in origin (population, food, health, pollution), it follows that many of the solutions will be biological - in nature. (SAC wrt’ yee Ny can, {int q eX 69 Gow | panes pense 2} paracdall lt aut ohUwe te parr l Pos ‘ Two missing links in our development of biological i“ theory are the operation of gravity and time (Earth- induced periodic influences) on living processes. Space flight frees experiments from the regulating — influences found in laboratories on Earth, allowing us to accurately study the mechanisms involved. Thus, space flight can provide a unique environment for tilize this biological theory in combination-with-the—unique? é l y 8, l Ca pert agak Ce plegeeap Ar dses . 4 va hrarr Susdr w J . bp ANC Mal Soma veal fo ) pod t ry Ce 1. OFA Sy wy ara apr adh ~Waased shusee - raarr edn Ora \rasoad , A obtaining these missing links in our knowledge, speeding ee our theory-building and-vestiy—tmproving our ability TO . - ~~. _place-biological-researeh-at-the service of PreBeINe. Cre ee a human-needse It is in support of this area of research wee that the Space Biology Program is dedicated. ' ' ; ‘Exobiology, 4 related area of research, is expected to provide the third key ingredient from the space program , to the building of a general theory of biology. This activity is supported under the Lunar and Planetary Exploration progams. The discovery of life elsewhere in the Universe would allow us to compare its che structure, end Function, with that of life on farth. ‘It - would allow us to derive universal concepts of biology and broaden our understanding of the laws governing the science of life. It would provide us with a much better understanding of the relationship of life and life processes to the laws governing the related sciences of physics and chemistry. Much can be learned from an independent set of molecules and molecular systems, whether they are, Or have been, alive. In particular, extraterrestrial genetic codes or morphologies could provide, through comparisons, opportunities to under- a! stand the origin and evolution of life on Earth. 4. wee BROAD AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Broad Objective 1, Understand the biological roles of the universal force of gravity on life and the capability of life to adapt to gravitational changes. Supporting Specific Objectives a. To determine the effects of gravity on main- ' taining normal organization in living cells. b. To determine the gravity sensors and the effects of gravity on plant growth, deve lop- ment, physiology, and morphogenesis. c. To determine gravity sensing thresholds and - gravity selection preference for animals. d. To determine the effects of gravity on the development, growth, metabolism, physiology, and behavior of animals. 4 a e. To determine the effects of teightlessness in producing and correcting abnormalities and to o~ modify or alter mechanisms in organisms, « _ Broad Objective 2. Understand the ‘roles of time expressed in oscillations, rhythms, and life spans on living organisms. ! Supporting Specific Objectives ‘ a. To determine the influence of Earth and lunar environmental periodicities in inducing and maintaining oscillations and biorhythms in living organisms using Earth orbital, lunar, and heliocentric missions, , b. To determine the role of oscillations and biorhythms in maintaining normal organization and life, and determine whether they are innate or environmentally induced. _@. To determine the interaction of time phenomena with gravity and organism volume (space). Broad Objective _3. Determine the potential applications and develop techniques to modify or alter living systems to produce changes or correct abnormalities to advance medicine, public health, agriculture, and space exploration, including modification of planetary atmospheres or surfaces. & Supporting Specific Objectives a. To determine the capabilities of life to change and adapt to envirenmentai—factors. tri. b. To develop techniques to use time and weight- lessness in producing and correcting abnormali- ties and to modify or alter mechanisms in organisms, (yr? >» 7 vf c. To utilize the experimentation techniques and | ie sé capabilities developed in the program, for ey ae a short-leadtime problem-solving in biology and 2 medicine. NL — d. To explore the potential use of Earth organisms a. to modify or alter environments on planetary or- * 7 LY lunar surfaces, ee ee Dewees f , : mae : 54H CA ayy To LA Lar etinad nee” Ral Cir Ae VE ; &: = re ‘ . - “i ‘ a Bg vane ac iha mth mde eben, romek - wor vr PROGRAM THRUST Pureve—a—program_to_make.a_broad_survey;—en# carry out selected intensive studies on tHe blological éffects of space environmental factors on a variety of types of Earth life. Studies will be carried out initially in Earth orbit and then in interplanetary space, and on lunar and planetary surfaces. The program will be balanced, including: ,studies-on-Earth; automated recoverable biological satellites; non-recoverable Earth orbital and heliocen- ttic missions; and mdnned flight experiment programs, both manual and automated. Gl. 3A. 3B. To focus attention and support earth-based studies on effects of physical environment on organisms, stimulated by adaptive challenges of space. These parameters include extreme gravitational fields, vibration and noise, radiation, sensory monotony, acute temperature shifts, chronic hypothermia (hibernation).... To lay the groundwork of experimental studies involving spaceflight (1) to exploit unique capabilities for weightlessness and isolation from terrestrial rhythms, (2) evaluate the use of infra-human organisms in space exploration, e.g., as cabin monitors or as visual sensors,and (3) to assess the long range problems of manned space flight with experiments and assays that could not properly be done with man at this stage. Chronicity is important but we have hardly begun to exploit avenues of earth-based study. Very few problems here are at the point where it is vital to uncouple from earth. (There are a few.) If extraterrestrial forms of life are found, great caution will be needed before introducing them into our ecology. Our quarantine and sterilization programs can also be helpful in learning how to contain potentially dangerous microbes already indigenous on earth. Even if planetary targets are now uninhabited, their chemical study will illuminate the aborginal status of the earth, whence life originated. We can also begin to think of the re-engineering of the planets to make them available for human occupation and exploration. To study the effects of drugs and other means of ameliorating the harmful effects of disturbances in these parameters.