NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20546 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR APR 16 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Although currently we are having some difficulty funding the kind of space bioscience program that we feel the nation should have, we are nevertheless attempting to develop a long range plan that can be used to put our space bioscience program on a sound basis and will lead to getting the best returns we can from our investment in the program. To this end, the Office of Space Science and Applications has assembled a set of goals and objectives for space biology, a copy of which is attached. If you could Spare the time, I would very much appreciate having from you your frank views and comments on the appropriateness and adequacy of these goals and objectives as a starting point for NASA's long range planning. VIAMNAIN In particular, is the stated position of value appropriate? Is it achievable within the next one or two decades, assuming a reasonable application of resources? Is it too optimistic? Or is it just plain not achievable? Is there perhaps some other position of value that is more appropriate to state as the motivation for our space biology program? Are the stated objectives the right ones on which to base a national space biology program? Are the objectives oriented toward the right questions and are they sufficiently aggressive to take advantage of our capability to advance in this area? Are there any gaps that should be filled in? With regard to the last question, it should be emphasized that exobiology is included elsewhere in our planning. Under space biology we include the use of space for fundamental research into the fundamental nature and processes of life using the space environment and techniques for whatever advantage they can give us. Any assistance you can give us in fixing upon the best set of goals and objectives for planning our national space biology program will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Nowra Weel Homer E. Newell Associate Administrator Attachment: April 1, 1969 Space Biology report