HATERISON A, WILLIAMS, JF., NiJ., CHAIRMAN JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. VA. JACOB K, JAVITS, N.Y. CLAIBORNE PELL, Rt. PETER H, DOMINICK, COLO, EDWARD M,. KENNEDY, MASS. RICHARD 8. SCHWEIKER, PA, GAYLORD NELSON, WIS. ROBERT TAFT, JA., OHIO WALTER FF. MONDALE, MINN. J. GLENN BEALL, JR., MD. Q C ° THOMAS f. EAGLETON, MO. ROBERT T. STAFFORD, VT. £ D Dt t D> { ree te crestor CALiee rytrT1e ates erTrrate HAROLD E. HUGHES, IOWA WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, MAINE COMMITTEE ON . LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE STEWART E. MCCLURE, STAFF DIRECTOR ROBERT E. NAGLE, GENERAL COUNSEL : WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 March 20, 1973 Honorable James A. McClure Room 437 - Old Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. Dear Senator McClure: We have received the attached correspondence from the FDA and the USDA in response to queries from our office, stimulated by concerns raised about potato blight by Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics, Stanford University Medical Center. The enclosed copies are for your information only. You may be interested also in an article, "The Great Potato Debate," in Medical World News, February 16, 1973, page 29. Sincerely, GAYLORD NELSON U.S. Senator GN/jrw Attachments Klie, wm 7 K : Bk Morthin, Mag