HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., N.J., CHAIRMAN MAR ° JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. VA. JACOB K. JAVITS, N.Y. , CLAIBORNE PELL, R.1. PETER H. DOMINICK, COLO. EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, PA. GAYLORD NELSON, WIS. ROBERT TAFT, JR., OHIO WALTER F. MONDALE, MINN. J. GLENN BEALL, JR., MD. o THOMAS F. EAGLETON, MO. ROBERT T. STAFFORD, VT. ” et 4 a Dtat a5) ALAN CRANSTON, CALIF. tle es erg e HAROLD E. HUGHES, IOWA WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, MAINE COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND P STEWART E. MCCLURE, STAFF DIRECTOR UBLIC WELFARE ROBERT E. NAGLE, GENERAL COUNSEL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 March 20, 1973 Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford Medical Center , California 94305 n see by the enclosed, we have asked for a description of "sg grading and monitoring process for potatoes. As regards compensation to farmers in the event of federal restrictions on sale or recall of blighted or diseased potatoes, you may be interested to know that both the Commerce and Judiciary Committees of the Senate are examining the entire issue of federal indemnity, to try and determine whether there should be a unified Federal policy in this area. This grew out of a controversy that developed over a proposed indemnity for damages alleged by the cyclamate ban, and passage of an indemnity provision in the Hazardous Substances Act for pesticide bans. We are still pondering proposed language that would require testing of food additives for teratogenic and mutagenic damage effects, and provide for the Secretary to allow substances that cause such damage, only if he makes an affirmative finding that the public health hazard taused by withholding the chemical exceeds that which would be caused by permitting its use. Thank you for keeping us inf thoughts on these issues. I have brought your concern on pota Agriculture Committee and Snators and Maine. om pogato-producing states of Idaho Regards, perk ss U.S. Senator bligft to the attention of the Senate ‘ GN/jrw Attachments P.S. ~~ Presume you saw the article, "The Great Potato Debate", in Medical World News, February 16, 1973, page 29.