DEC 1 1969 RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX., CHAIRMAN JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. VA. JACOB K. JAVITS, N.Y. HARRISON A, WILLIAMS, JR., N.J. WINSTON L. PROUTY, VT. CLAIBORNE PELL, R.I. PETER H. DOMINICK, COLO. EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. GEORGE MURPHY, CALIF. . GAYLORD NELSON, WIS. RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, PA. IC { 2 St f S { WALTER F. MONDALE, MINN. HENRY BELLMON, OKLA. WY e co eS eng e THOMAS F. EAGLETON, MO. WILLIAM B. SAXBE, OHIO ALAN CRANSTON, CALIF. COMMITTEE ON HAROLD E. HUGHES, IOWA LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE ROBERT 0. HARRIS, STAFF DIRECTOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 JOHN S, FORSYTHE, GENERAL. COUNSEL. Novenber 24, 1969 Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua: Your articles on food additives and mutagenic and carcinogenic elements in the environment have been read with great interest. I hope to hold hearings soon on some aspects of these matters, though I have made no official annomcement at this time. A survey on the epidemiology of DDT in relation to cancer and hypertension is most intriguing and, perhaps, could become a new chapter to the pesticides story. Your insights and knowledge on these matters are, as usual, of great concern and use to me. Sincerely yours, dbh ne NELSON «oS. Senator wostan ayaahnd GN