June £8, 1968 Dr. Harry Eagle Department of Cell Biology Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York 10461 Dear Harry: As soon as I received the call for nominations for president of the National Academy of Sciences, Harrison Brown's name came immediately to mind, much as it did to many other members. Anyhow, I did discover veey soon that Carl Djerassi had a similar thought. We communicated with Charlie Yanofsky as a local member of the nominating committee, and received some advice from him which we promptly implemented. This advice was to collect enough names to assure that Brown could, if necessary, be placed on the ballot by petition, but to communicate this information first informally to the nominating com- mittee. We had no communication with Brown except to ask his acquiescence to our circulating the petitions. Carl and I set out to collect the names for such a petition, sending out the form letter enclosed, and made no other effort to solicit interest in this proposal. We did not try to cover the entire membership of the Academy, and certainly did not have to, in view of the very large number of responses that we promptly received. These are still trickling in, but I venture to forward the attached list, which has the names of 128 members who have already returned their signatures. a We submit this to you for the nominating committee's information as an indica- tion of the high esteem in which Harrison Brown is so widely held. If there is any further service that we can do, please let us know. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics