MR (Rd tr/ Laboratory of Genetics UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Madison, Wisconsin 53706 MAY 31 1966 KY May 25, 1966 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Approximately a dozen members met informally during the April meetings of the Academy to discuss whether it was advisable at the present time to initiate proceedings for the formation of a section of genetics. Since the number of members in the proposed section would probably be 30-35, it was felt by some that there might not be much chance of electing more than one new member to the section each year. (Since 1940, 41 members with genetic interests and now living have been elected). Also it is unlikely that geneticists would be elected through either the botanical or zoological sections if the genetics section were formed. Therefore, it seemed advisable to the group to delay, at least for a time, further action regarding the formation of a section of genetics in the hope that the new procedure of election of members with the assignment of quotas to the respective classes may be an improvement over the previous method. Meanwhile, it is now possible for the geneticists as a group to nominate candidates, as a "voluntary nominating group". Bylaws of the Academy -- revised April 27, 1965 (page 19) "8. A group of twenty or more members of the Academy may nominate a candidate. Each such nomination, accom- panied by a properly edited statement of the nominee's scientific accomplishments and a list of his principal contributions to science, shall be submitted by the group to the home secretary prior to January l, together with a recommendation as to the class to which the nomination should be referred for considera- tion by the class membership committee." Page 2 There were three candidates in other fields nominated in this manner and all were elected at the recent April meeting. In essence, all members with genetic interests can act as members of a "voluntary nominating group" and can nominate one, two, or more candidates for election in 1967. The undersigned was asked at the informal meeting to act as coordinator for this group, and I shall be glad to do this, at least until my retirement from the University of Wisconsin staff in June, 1967. As a first step, would you Kindly send to me the name or names of worthy candidates and state whether you would be willing to prepare the supporting material for the candidate. Otherwise, give the name of the person or persons most appropriate for this pertinent task. The names of the candidates will then be submitted to the genetics group for their vote, and the candidates ranking highest will be processed further so that one, two, or three (at most) names can be submitted to the home secretary. It is probable that the list of nominees will be submitted to the geneticists at least twice, comparable to the preliminary and informal ballots of the sections. In order to get this procedure started, it is desirable that the names be submitted to me before June 15. Sincerely, Pipher 4 Ma&rR. n MRI :ce