NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A. J. RIKER ae we , SECTION OF BOTANY DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PATHOLOGY Te teat epees sec utamnarynr emma serps UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6, WISCONSIN November 7, 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: You certainly have a valuable and important point for the unification of the biological sciences. I only hope this can be accomplished somehow. Botany at the present time seems to be hopelessly split up with some forty-five different societies in North America alone interested in one or another aspect of our subject. Of course, we regret to lose from the Section of Botany so distinguished a member as yourself. However, this will have nothing whatever to do with the long, long¢standing personal friendships you have with the various members of our Section. Since you did not wish to vote on the Informal Ballot, I am assuming that you will also prefer not*to vote on our Formal Ballot and so will not send you one. However, I shall not remove your name from our list until I am advised by the Home Secretary that the transfer has been made. Regardless of what Section we may be in, we all can work for the welfare of the Academy and for American science. Cordially yours, A. J. Riker, Chairman ‘. / Section of Botany AJRiges ce: Dr. H. L. Dryden