Bacteriolosy Dept. September 25, 1957 Dear Dr. Dryden: Your letter of August 19 hes only just arrived hare. Thanx you for your cordial invitation. However, as I may not be back in the U.S. until early December, I vill not be aodle to sit with the Academy in November. I am afraid I will also probably have to forego the April meeting in Washington, as I have a very heavy schedule already committed for that month. It looks as if there isnothing forit but to wait till next autumn. I will be in Melbourne another month; thereafter, wy cor- respondence had best be routed through Madison. ; With my regrets, andthanks for your/}trofble, 7 jo 7 /f Youre sincerely, "Joshua Lederberg (Dept. Med. Genetics University of Wisconsin)