NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DAVID R. GODDARD SECTION OF BOTANY BOTANICAL LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4, PENNSYLVANIA April 30, 1957 Professor Joshua lederberg Department of Medical Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have your good letter of April 27 and first of all my congratulations on your Department of Medical Genetics. I think you have a very real oppor= tunity to make a major contribution to the medical profession in this appointment. I can see your problem as to the choice of section of the Academy. There is no doubt that the members of the Botanical Section will be very much disappointed if you should join some other section. On the other hand, there is no doubt that the Pathology and Bacteriology Section needs new blood. Whether or not they will accept your ideas, and whether you can have any influence in this Section, I do not know. You may be interested to know that Tracy Sotmeborn and I are proposing to the Academy some reorganization so that people working in the borderline fields of microbiology, virology and genetics, or certain aspects of bioche- mistry and microorganisms can be considered for election outside of the present sections. It may well be that your greatest contribution will be to help us to organize this new group and, if a new section were later set up, you might wish then to transfer your membership from the Botanical Section to this new group. I would suggest that you discuss the problem of which section to join with Perry Wilson and President Fred before you join any section than that of Botany. With my best regards, Sy ure David R. Goddard SC Cone Dat/w 7.4, O bemanne Dae yer oT