JUL 2 1971 Proposal for Study of the Effects of Sickling and the Carrier ‘State of G6PD deficiency in the Population of the Collaborative Study ‘Principal Investigators: Dr. N.C. Myrianthopoulos, PRB, NINDS: Dr. L. Froehlich, PRB, NINDS Dr. Robert Murray, Howard University e Objectives ‘ To study the effects of sickling and of the carrier state of G6PD deficiency on the course and outcome of pregnancy; and the growth end development of children with sickle-cell trait, and G6PD deficiency. Background Sickle cell anemia and glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency anemia are two genetically determined hemolytic anemias found in very high frequency among the Negro population of the United States. | 7 The gene for S hemoglobin is inherited as an incamplete dominant 60 that the heterozygotes show sickle-cell trait while the homozygotes have frank anemia. It is estimated that eipproximately 10% of Negroes in the United States are sicklers while about 3 per 1000 have anemia. The hazards of sickle-cell anemia are well known: recurrent episodes | ,