DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 February 10, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Joshua: Since our meeting here last June we have been quite active trying to implement the recommendations of the panel. A major study of twins is in progress in collaboration with a group from the University of Minnesota. We have now developed two proposals to analyze genetically large chunks of Collaborative Study data. One has to do with a study of the genetics of obstetric variables and the other with a comprehensive study of con- genital malformations. I am enclosing copies of these proposals and I hope that you will be able to review them for merit and give me your comments and suggestions. You will be interested to know that late in January the NIMH ad hoc study section made a site visit in Dr. Lubs! laboratory in connection with the chromosomal survey of seven year olds from the Collaborative Study. I was there in a peculiar, in-between capacity, to answer any questions that the committee might have about the Study. I came away with the impression that several committee members had misgivings about the uni- formity of method in the preparation and measurement of specimens, and also about the method of analysis. I hope that the project will be approved, otherwise a unique opportunity will be lost. Let me know when you are going to be in Washington again so that we can spend some time together, Yours very sincerely, Ms Ntinos C. Myrianthopoulos, Ph.D. Head, Section on Epidemiology and Genetics Perinatal Research Branch National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke So70 ag ab WWIVAW