April 4, 1969 Dr. Ntinos C. Myrianthopoulos Head, Section on Epidemiology and Genetics Rreinatal Research Branch National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Myrianthopoulos: I will answer your first question about some of our tabulations on the high birth weights in a later leteer when I can assemble some of the runs that we made. I have to tell you, though, that the results are not very exciting. As to your second point, I think it would be a very good idea indeed to assemble a small group of geneticists to review ways of analyzing the perinatal mortality file to the greatest advantage. About the earliest time that I could manage such a meeting myself would be mid-June, and you will probably face a similar difficulty with some of the others that you would want to call in. May I mage a specific auggestiong namely to hold it on Thuraday, June 19, which will be immediately after a three-day meet- ing I will be attending at the National Institute of Mental Health. I would like to add another suggestion, that you might invite my wife, Marguerite, to attend this discussion, since she has already had useful - experience with this kind of file and has a general background as a pediatrician interested in population studies that would be quite inval- uable for our discussion. I have had several inquiries from students during the past few months who might be brought into a program in this area, and this could well be the basis for a renewed interest on our part in active participation. As I will write you further in more detail, I have heenconsiderably hung up in pushing rapidly on the tapes that I got from you, partly for lack of funds to support this line of work, and partly for not having put together vary much of a group to participate in it. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ra 100d oH AWW AW