April 15, 1968 Dr. Ntinos C. Myrianthopoulos Head, Section on Epidemiology and Genetics Perinatal Research Branch National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 Dear Dr. Myrianthopoulos: This is just to let you know that the two tapes that I took back home with me appear to be in very good shape. We have read and made a back-up copy of them. We are just in the process of loading them onto our disk file for more convenient access from our terminals, and will soon go through an exer- cise to compact them to the particular data we would be most interested in for the first pass at computation. 8 Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics * P.S. I enclose a copy of e summary of the file specification information that Mrs. Hwang prepared. This text is now also stored on the file, and we can readily clean up some of the typographical errors that crept in. Before we do any very extensive runs, and after we have done a few test trials, I will be in touch with you to be sure we make the most out of every pass. It looks promising! 4A? cl