DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MD. 20014 AREA CODE 301! TEL: 656-4000 December 13, 1967 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter of November 30, regarding the study of children of high birthweight. I am sure that we can now consider the study as formally initiated. After our brief talk here, I felt somewhat unhappy about the choice of the control group. As I turned the question in my mind, I became more and more convinced that children in the 100th percentile of birthweight should be compared with children of "normal" birthweight, whatever that is. I was particularly glad, therefore, to receive your suggestion that fe should select ehildren in the 50th percentile of birthweight as a control group. I think that this is a most happy choice. I have written the specifications for the production of a selected tape file which would include ail the information presently available on the children in the 100th percentile and those in the 50th percentile of birthweight, born to core study mothers. In addition, I have asked for the complete record of about 300 children born to diabetic mothers who have attended the Joslyn Clinic during the data collection phase of the study, who comprise a special sub-population of study mothers. These specifications are already in the hands of our programmers. I was able to obtain from my Chief high priority for this project and, if no other investigating committees descend upon us, we should have the file ready within a reasonable period of time. I cannot estimate what this reasonable period of time would be but I will keep you posted on the progress from this end. Sa 709d 0H LAY / UAW Thank you very much for the references on Huntington's chorea and diabetes. JI was aware of the ones on Huntington's chorea although, with the exception of the article by Kenyon and Hardy, I was not able to include them in my review because they appeared after my article went to print. I would very much appreciate your opinion about the reviewe I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed our all-too brief meeting and exchange of ideas. I do hope that these opportunities will be more plentiful in the future and I certainly look forward to a long and profitable association. Very cordially yours, e — f t } srw Ntinos C. Myrianthopoulos, Ph.D. Head, Section on Epidemiology and Genetics Perinatal Research Branch National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness